Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Who's More Stupid, Eric Kripke or Supernatural Fans?

I've just been thinking about who is more stupid. Eric Kripke for coming up with some stupid plots or the Supernatural fans that believe everything he says.

Here's something stupid about Supernatural fans. They think Dean was chosen by God to defeat Lucifer. Who started the apocalypse? Dean supposedly started it, so I guess God wanted it. How stupid is that? Sam is evil or going to be Lucifer's right hand man. So it was really smart of Dean to sell his soul to evil to bring Sam back from the dead. I'm sure God loved him even more for that.

Dean turned away from God when he made that deal for Sam. If Dean had believed in God or that we go to a better place, maybe he would've let Sam stay dead. Dean failed at his job of saving Sam, so he went and sold his soul. I still think that is all Dean sees Sam as. A job, not a little brother. Dean followed his orders from daddy, no matter what.

I guess selling your soul to evil, is so noble and self sacrificing, but Sam drinking demon blood and trying to stop the apocalypse, was selfish and proud. Give me a break.

Sad part is, if Kripke and Co have Dean be some special blah, blah, then the whole show is worth nothing. Dean was supposed to die, how many times. The war was over for him and he was supposed to go with Tessa. If Dean had some greater destiny, then why was he supposed to die at that point.
Also, Dean spent his whole life protecting and taking care of Sammy. So, basically Dean took care of and protected evil all his life, not good. Then Dean is just as evil as Sam for protecting Sam all those years.

Now if Kripke and Co do have a few surprises like I'm hoping, then some of those Supernatural fans are in for one big rude awakening. I'll be jumping for joy, if I find out what I think is going to happen, happens.

Another thing about Sam being evil or having demon blood in him. We use only how much of our brain capacity and some believe that in an earlier time, we used more. Maybe that's where psychic stuff is, in those parts of the brain that most people don't use. God made Sam, so he's all good and if Lucifer made Sam, then I'll believe he's evil and his abilities are evil.
If Sam was so evil, then why was he praying to God for all those years. What was Sam praying for? Hopefully and I'm keeping my fingers crossed, that we'll find out. I doubt that Sam just prayed for himself. I still think Sam prayed for Dean and John to maybe one day, stop hunting and to start being a family with him. Who knows?

A part of me really wants Sam to turn full blown evil and have another good showdown with Dean. I'd really love that because Dean just wouldn't stand a chance, even with Castiel hanging on him. ha, ha, ha.