Thursday, August 27, 2009

Has Sam Been Replaced For Little Sammy?

I think Sammy is my favorite now. Not Sammy Winchester, either. I love my little blue Sammy in Pet Society more than Sam or Sammy Winchester. I can't go a day without spending time with him. I don't know why, but just looking at that little blue kitty named Sammy makes me so happy. It's kind of scary. How can I love a computer animated creature? I'm crazy, that's how. I've never claimed to be sane.

I love buying clothes for Sammy, taking Sammy to the races, the fishing pond and visiting his friends. I bought him a transporter, so he can visit even more little buddies. He has fourteen close friends that he goes to visit and he loves to kiss his girlfriends.

My little Sammy has made me so happy, that I've been thinking about Supernatural less and less. That's a good thing because if I think too much about Supernatural and what could happen on it, I go even crazier. It's two weeks to go until Supernatural comes back on and in the meantime, I'll be spending that time with little Sammy. If Supernatural is anything like last season, I'll really need little Sammy. If Supernatural is better than last season, than Sam Winchester might take my love away from little Sammy. Doubtful because my little Sammy is cute just like Sam Winchester and I love them both.