Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Johnny Crawford And More Rifleman

I just love Johnny Crawford. I love watching him as a kid on The Rifleman and I now love to listen to him sing on these two albums. I think Johnny is my favorite kid actor of all time. He was just awesome as Mark McCain and I love watching The Rifleman every day. I've seen a few of the episodes where he's sang songs. I loved them. He's got such a great voice. I loved his voice when he was younger and I love it now when he's older. It's different, but great just the same. Johnny Crawford swept the clouds away alright. I'm so happy when I listen to him sing and when I watch The Rifleman. I can't get enough. I feel like some addict and now I'm addicted to Johnny and The Rifleman. I just bought another DVD to watch of The Rifleman. It was the cheapest one available because the rest are way out of what I can afford right now. I'm still watching the show on MeTV and Hulu and I wish they'd make more episodes available. There were 168 episodes of the show and I probably have only seen half of them. I haven't seen any episodes from the 5th season at all.

I love music and TV so much. Sometimes I wonder if I'd even be here right now without them. Sometimes that's all I have to live for. I'm so grateful to every singer I've ever listened to and to every actor or actress I've seen in TV shows that I've loved. Sometimes they are what I hold onto when I have nothing or no one else in the world. I sometimes wish I could fall into The Twilight Zone or something and end up in a TV show. I'd love to end up in The Rifleman and be with Mark and Lucas. There have been a lot of other shows that I wish I could have just fallen into and become a part of.

Well that's all for now. I need to get back to watching The Rifleman.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Love And The Rifleman

The main reason I love The Rifleman is the relationship between Lucas and Mark. I love how they don't have to say they love each other all the time, but they show how much they love each other all the time. Just with the way they look at each other or hug or something. It's so cute to watch. And how they look out for each other. Lucas takes care of his son, but Mark has taken care of Lucas as well, especially when he's been hurt by some crazy. I love how anyone tries to hurt Mark and Lucas gets mad and they usually end up dead.
I love when they've been separated for some reason and then they get back together and they hug and it's just a joy to watch. That's how you know they love each other. There's a scene in The Surveyor's at the end that I just love. Mark asks  Lucas if he missed him and I just love how Lucas replies. It's so sweet and I've watched that scene a ton of times because I love it so much.
I love watching the video someone made of clips from the show and they are all Lucas and Mark and the song is Everything from Lifehouse. I love the song and it totally fits. I was listening to the song at work today and I couldn't help but thinking of my Sammy. I know it's stupid to still love him, but I can't stop. I miss him every day and he was my everything. I remember coming home from work and going to see him right away. He always made me smile with his cute laugh. Now I come home and watch The Rifleman to feel good and smile. I wish I still was able to see my little Sammy. He would have spelled out The Rifleman with his blocks. I miss his western room and all the cute stuff he had in it. I'll never forgive EA for closing Pet Society down.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Supernatural Has Ended And The Rifleman Is My New Show To Love

I just read about some stuff that's coming up in season 9 of Supernatural and I finally think the show is over for me. I don't want to see that stupid Charlie character and who knows how many episodes she'll be in this season. I think back to the time when I stopped loving Supernatural and I think it started in the episode she first appeared in. The show went downhill from there. There's nothing the writers can do to make me like this character and I don't want to see her. I know Robbie Thompson is probably in love with Felicia Day and that's why he created this dumb character. Supernatural has become a big fat joke and I'm no longer laughing about it. I remember when Jared and Jensen said they'd rather have the show end after five seasons then go on longer and get bad. Well as far as I'm concerned the show should have ended a couple seasons ago. I thought I'd love this show to the end, well I think I was wrong again. I loved all 10 seasons of Smallville and there's only a few episodes I'll probably never watch again, but that's it. Supernatural has a whole ton of episodes I don't even want to look at again. I didn't watch that stupid Bitten episode and I never will.  Season 8 will be the first season of Supernatural that comes out on DVD that I don't even want to buy. Maybe when it's on sale for really cheap, I'll think about buying it. I remember the time when I rushed out to get it and I couldn't wait to get my hands on it and start watching it over and over. I was so excited for the first season when it came out. I rushed to the store and I watched all the episodes so many times and even now I can watch those episodes even more times. I don't even want to look at the first 10 episodes of season 8.  I think I liked one of them and that's it.
If anyone thinks I'm happy about this, I'm not. I'm sad that Supernatural is no longer a show that I love or can't wait for. It actually hurts to not be excited about the show. There's nothing to get excited about concerning season 9. Sam is going to be hunky dory like always. Dean is going to be keeping a secret from Sam, but that's great like always. Dean can lie and keep things from Sam, but Sam can't do the same or he's betraying Dean. Stupid. I'm tired of the endless stupidity concerning their relationship. I'm sick of seeing Charlie, Kevin, and who knows what other new characters will come on and be characters we're supposed to care about. I'm tired of seeing Castiel playing ignorant human already and now he's going to find out about lust. Doesn't matter if he's an angel or human, it's getting stupid to see him be so ignorant of everything like he's learning things for the first time.
Okay, I'm done even thinking about this crap. It will take awhile for me to get Supernatural out of my system and it will happen. I stopped watching Buffy and I never went back to watching. Sometimes I'd turn the channel just to see what was happening on the show and most of the time, it made me sick. I stopped watching Angel as well, but I did go back to it in the end for the final season, but Buffy was crap and I watched the last episode of the show only. When I stop loving a show, I really have to stop watching it all together or it just makes me either sad or mad. I'm sad my favorite show turned to crap and mad because it did and there's nothing I can do about it. Oh well.

Now on to The Rifleman again. I can't stop watching this show. I watch how many episodes every day. I've watched a couple of them over and over again. The relationship between Lucas and Mark is just too cute to watch. It warms my heart like no other show. Some episodes are so funny and I can't stop laughing and there are a lot of serious episodes that make me cry. I've even been thinking up stories in my head and hopefully I can write them down. This show is inspiring me to write. I've also been thinking up a crossover story with Vampire Diaries and Rifleman. I can just picture stuff in my head. I really hope I can write the story soon. I'm so happy that I found The Rifleman when I did. I can't believe this show was out there and I never gave it a chance until now. I've been missing one of the best TV shows in the history of TV.
I think if I had kids I'd have them watch The Rifleman because there is a lot to learn watching this show. Even I'm not too old to learn some stuff from the show or every once in a while I need to be reminded of certain things. I love Johnny Crawford and Chuck Connors so much and they are such a delight to watch together. I love watching some of those guest stars like the guy who played reverend Alden on Little House On The Prairie. He was in how many episodes as different characters. It's funny to see him play those parts and it's great because you see what a great actor he really was. Sammy Davis Jr was on the show and I loved him in the episode Two Ounces Of Tin.
Now when I'm feeling sad or mad, I just turn on The Rifleman and all is right with the world again and I'm happy.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Rifleman And Other Old Shows

I'm really enjoying watching all kinds of old shows on MeTV. I love this channel because all kinds of old shows are on day and night. I really miss these old shows and the best part about them is they were better written than the shows of today. I really think social media has killed some of the TV shows I used to love. Back in the past, writers of the shows didn't have tons of people whining and sniveling about what they wanted or didn't want to see on a show. Now the writers of the shows are all over the Internet reading and interacting with certain fans and then writing according to what those fans want. Who cares about the fans that don't go all over the Internet to snivel or whine about the show?
The Rifleman really entertains me and it's only a half hour long show and it's black and white. I don't think I could ever watch it in color. It would look so different. I love seeing all kinds of old stars on there. There were a bunch of them. The best part of watching The Rifleman is that I feel good when it's over and I'm smiling and happy. That's what TV is all about for me. I use TV to make me feel better and when I've had a bad day, it's nice to turn on the TV and watch a show that will make me smile and laugh. I love Chuck Connors and Johnny Crawford.  I bought one of Johnny Crawford's albums and I love it. I love that I found a great show to watch and a great singer to listen to. I can't believe that I'm so excited after work to get home and watch The Rifleman. I haven't been this excited to watch a show in a really long time.

I think The Rifleman raised from not even registering on my all time favorite list of TV shows to hitting the top ten. Right now it's my favorite show and I can't get enough of it. I watch it on my TV and on Hulu.
Now onto Supernatural. How far it has fallen? I remember a time when I would have said that Supernatural was my all time favorite TV show ever, now it has fallen so far. Now it would place somewhere in my top 50 shows and closer to 50 than to 1. I've been waiting for how long for Supernatural to go back to being exciting and entertaining again, but it hasn't happened and I doubt it will happen in season 9. If it does, I'll be shocked as hell. One thing that has really killed Supernatural for me over the last five years is the relationship between Sam and Dean. They act like enemies or business partners most of the time instead of brothers who love each other and would do anything for each other. In the first three seasons, I felt something watching them and now I feel nothing when they hug or talk to each other. There's just nothing there and Jared and Jensen can't even make me feel anything anymore. Supernatural does not surprise me or make me happy anymore. I realize I was addicted to the show and nothing more. And like an addiction, I thought I needed to watch Supernatural or it would be the end of the world or something. Supernatural has actually made me feel miserable at times and it's made other fans feel like that as well, whether they admit to it or not.

I still miss my little Sammy and Pet Society. I think Little Sammy kept me tied to Supernatural and now that he's gone, so is all my love for Supernatural. I still love Vampire Diaries because it's still going strong and it surprises me every week and makes me happy and I love Ian and Paul.  Stefan and Damon right now are my favorite TV brothers because even after everything and through the years, they still treat each other like brothers and care about each other.

I guess that's all for now. There's still a good month or so until the new TV season starts and I'll be enjoying watching The Rifleman until then.