Now I have another little demon to take care of. My little Sammy found Ollie all alone without clothes on, hungry, dirty and crying in an empty house. Little Sammy was out visiting some of his friends and he heard little Ollie crying and went to see what was going on. Little Ollie was all alone in an empty house. My little Sammy came to me with Ollie in tow and asked if I'd help little Ollie. I told little Sammy that I already had him, Dean, Jess, Jared and Bela to take care of. Little Sammy got that look in his sweet little weepy eyes and he started to cry. He begged me to help Ollie. He told me that Ollie would be good. I told little Sammy that I'd help Ollie. I must be the biggest sucker in the world. Now I have six little demons to take care. One of these days someone is going to think I'm not a demon. I sure haven't been acting like one lately. I don't know what's wrong with me.
I got little Ollie settled into his house and helped him to shop for some clothes and furniture. I took him to stock up on some food too. Little Sammy's friend Peaches sent Ollie a bed. That was so nice of her. She's such a sweet little friend to my Sammy. Little Sammy's other friend Clover sent Ollie some food. Little Sammy helped Ollie by giving him vegetable grow and sending him some stuff he could sell for money. Little Dean and Jess also sent some items. They have all been really good. I can't help it, but I already love little Ollie. He fits in pretty good with my other little demons. I'm just hoping that little Sammy doesn't find anymore friends that need help.
The Mystery Store in my little demons town got Snow White Mystery Eggs. Now little Jess has decorated one of her rooms with Snow White stuff. She dresses up like Snow White and then she'll dress up like the evil Queen. She helped Bela get the dresses so she can play too. Little Sammy is her Prince Charming of course. He's been to her house playing and has been helping her collect all the Snow White things for her room. All the little demons have pitched in, except for little Ollie because he needs more things for his house.
Little Sammy has been cooking away in his oven, but my other little demons really don't care for their ovens. Little Sammy helped Ollie to cook some soup and is going to show him how to cook other things. Here's how magical these ovens are. Little Sammy made a banana split in his. How do you make something cold in an oven? I asked Sammy and he doesn't know. I tried the banana split and it was cold and good. That oven or whatever it is can really make good stuff.
Well that's all for now. I'm so busy with the little demons, that I barely get a moment to myself these days. Little Sammy is getting his Supernatural room ready for the new episodes of Supernatural coming on the 21st. He's getting more and more excited and so am I. I can't wait for all our shows to come back on.