Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Can't Stop Missing Pet Society

I really miss Pet Society because Facebook is just not the same. I finally realized why I don't want to play Farmville anymore. It's because I found Farmville about the same time I found Pet Society. They were my two most favorite games. Maybe I don't want to play Farmville anymore because I know it's still there, but Pet Society is gone. I can't believe all the stupid games that are on Facebook. I'll never play them. I love to play games on Facebook, but I don't try to compete with other people. I just want to have fun and relax for a while. I can't believe that I send out requests for help for certain things and how many people won't help me because they're afraid I'll get ahead of them in the game. I always try to help when someone sends me a request in a game I'm playing. I don't care if they're ahead of me or not. The only person I'm in competition with is myself. When I send out requests, I just want help to get items that you can only get with the help of friends. If you have no friends, then you can't get the items. I used to have a lot of great friends in Pet Society. I'd always get help. I remember when I had no friends on Facebook, just my family. It was very hard to get my little Sammy anything in Pet Society. I could only get how many coins a day. I went to the Cafe and I found how many new friends that way. I remember one friend in particular. She was wonderful and she's still my Facebook friend. I love seeing her posts, but she was the first friend outside of my family that I found and she always played Pet Society.
I think I miss Pet Society so much because when I played I could enter a fun world where life's problems disappeared for a while. When I was with Sammy I was happy and carefree. When Sammy had his wings on and flew around his house, it was like I was flying right along with him. Sammy went all over the world and places I'll never get to go in real life.
Now with the TV season starting, it would have been fun to write all my favorite shows on his ticker. I remember I mostly had Supernatural on it. Now, Sammy would have a whole bunch of shows.
One thing I never did was complain about the game when something happened and I couldn't get on. I knew that I'd get on later or the next day. I know a lot of people complained all the time about everything. I used to read some of the comments on the Pet Society page. It seems like some people were never happy about anything. I remember I was just happy that I could play. Who cares if there was a glitch here or there? Who cares if they were doing maintenance every once in a while and I couldn't get on? Stuff like that happens. The only time I was mad was when my Internet was crap and that's the reason I couldn't get on to Pet Society. I even changed services because all I could think about was Pet Society and seeing my little Sammy.
I'm very grateful to all the players who are still fighting to get Pet Society back. I don't know if it will ever happen, but I appreciate these people so much for doing everything they have been doing. I hope EA will bring back the game, but I have zero faith in them. I'd pay them to play Pet Society, but it seems they just don't want the game. Maybe because it's not violent and full of sex and crap like that. It's a decent and fun game the whole family could play. It seems that anything good never can stay around for long.
I can never put into words properly what I want to say, so I'll end this post now. I just want to see Sammy again on Facebook. I want to click on Pet Society and watch it load and see my little Sammy again.