Monday, December 19, 2011

More Michael Talk And Why Didn't I Buy Six Million Dollar Man

Before I get to Michael talk, here's a pic of my little Jensen from Pet City. He went to see Santa at the store. Santa asked if he was naughty or nice, but I couldn't hear what Jensen said. I think he's been nice, so I bet he'll get a nice Christmas present for being good.
Now on to more crap about Michael and why I still don't think Dean was ever Michael's true vessel. I still don't understand why anyone believes that Dean is Michael's true vessel. I don't care who has told that to Dean on the show. It's just seems interesting to me that Michael only talked to Dean one time and one time only and that was in the past. Or was Dean even talking to Michael or was that all some big setup by Castiel or whoever. If Lucifer could appear to Nick as his dead wife and ask him to be his vessel, then why couldn't Michael come to Dean and ask him directly to be his vessel. What was the whole deal with that crap that Zacariah was the only one that could talk to Dean and he was like the go between. If Dean was truly Michael's one and only vessel, then Michael should have been able to appear to Dean in some form and ask him directly to be his vessel. I don't think it had anything to do with faith either, that Michael couldn't go to Dean. Who really was Zac's boss? It seemed to me that the angels needed Dean to be in that beautiful room before Michael could take him over, but all the other angels could be wherever they wanted to be. Michael is supposed to be the most powerful angel of all and he couldn't even appear to his one and true vessel. That's crap. I still think Castiel and the rest of the angels were all lying to Dean about him being Michael's vessel. They lied about all kinds of crap so why not that. Lucifer appeared to Sam and it's funny that after Sam got back with Dean, Lucifer could not make contact with him again. Maybe Dean and that amulet really protected Sam. Maybe that's what Dean was supposed to be doing all along. Another thing about Michael. If he was truly following God's will, then why would God want there to be an apocalypse. Or are the Supernatural writers saying that Michael rebelled against God's wishes. That makes no sense whatsoever. I still wonder if Castiel is not Michael or if every time we've seen Castiel, he's either been Michael or Castiel. Maybe Michael can appear to Dean and Sam as Castiel or just to Dean. Maybe if Dean is Michael's vessel, then Michael has been talking to Dean, but as Castiel. It would explain why sometimes Castiel was so weak and other times he was more powerful than any other angel. Maybe Michael was testing Dean in some way. Who knows? I don't but I love to think about it.

I was at F.Y.E today and the store is closing and they're having a big sale and stuff is how much percent off. I really wanted to buy The Six Million Dollar Man. I remember how much I just loved to watch it. I loved The Bionic Woman as well, but not as much as the man. I held the DVD set in my hand for how long, but I put it back on the shelf. I wondered if I would still love it as much as I did then. I still love a lot of the shows I used to watch, but I hardly ever watch all the ton of DVD's I have now. I mainly watch all the seasons of Supernatural over and over and there's always a disc in my player. I hardly ever watch any other show. Every once in a while, I'll put in something different. I did watch old episodes of Christy and Legend Of The Seeker. I've also watched some Dawson's and Vampire Diaries. I put it back because I didn't want to spend money on it and then have it sit there and never watch it. And one day there probably won't even be discs anymore, it will all be digital downloads or whatever. Technology is moving so fast. My computer is ancient already and I've only had it for three years. It was probably out of date when I bought it, that's how fast everything goes.

Well, that's all for now.