Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Love, Hate or Whatever

It's a real sad time right now and I feel sorry for America and the whole world. I love how so many people are going crazy about the death of one man. Just a few weeks ago, people were whining and sniveling about the over 100,000 Covid deaths. Now, it's like people don't even give a crap about them. It seems to me, that how many people just want to hate on our president for any reason at all they can think and blame him for everything under the sun. I remember last month some idiot whining at me and saying I would kill his mother or wife if I left my house and went anywhere because of the Pandemic. I love how people were convinced into believing that you are basically a killer if you don't wear some stupid facemask and you go out and live your life and that you are spreading it all around, whether you have it or not. Usually, when you get a virus, you know you have it. Not this one. Most of the people who have died from this virus have been in nursing homes and care facilities. I would be more scared of it, if millions of people had died already from it. Sometimes, I wish I would get it and die, so I don't have to put up with the stupidity. I may have already had it back in March. I did have some of the symptoms, but if it was so contagious, members of my family would have gotten it and my co-workers.
I just really can't stand people telling me what to do on social media. I have a mind of my own and I'm not some dumb mindless zombie believing everything someone tells me and following along with everyone. I really can't stand some of the celebrities who think I will just vote for who they want me to.
And on the other side of the that, it's sad to see that how many celebrities are being treated like crap if they don't do what how many people want. Post crap that they want to help their cause. They should not have to, if they don't want to. Also, how many people just want them to donate money, money, money. That tells me all they care about is getting money and don't care about the celebrity at all.I have personally unfollowed how many celebrities. I'm sick of the crap and how many of them just following along because they don't want people to be angry. I guess I would be scared if I were them because who knows what nuts will try to destroy their homes and property or kill them.
It's a crazy time right now. People think this crap is about race and I think it's about a whole lot more.
Who knows were this will all go. I just keep praying for the whole world like I have for years now. It's funny but it seems like history will always repeat itself no matter what you do. You can change it, try to erase it, forget about it and it will just keep repeating. No one learns anything from the past, so why even learn about it and how much of the past that is told is the truth. One will never know unless there was a time machine you could go back in and find out for yourself.
I've been reading all kinds of things and it's scary to think about some of them and if they are happening right now and if they are true.
I wish I could forget about them, like I did when I was younger and just pretend crap didn't exist. I try to obsess about something, so I don't think about this crap. My last obsession over something was Supernatural and that ended fast. I wish I could find something to pour myself into and forget what I've seen and heard.
I guess I just needed to put some of this crap down somewhere. Hopefully, I can stop thinking about stuff and go back to fantasyland. I loved fantasyland because it is a whole lot better than reality.

Monday, June 1, 2020

I Love Heartland

Have not made a Heartland room yet. Pet City 1 is going to be gone by the end of July. That will be sad when I have to say goodbye to my Johnny.
It's been very crazy the last week. I'm glad I have Heartland to watch so that I can forget for a while about what's going on. I'm already on season 11. My favoite characters are Amy and Ty of course. Love them together. I pretty much love all the characters on the show. That's rare when I watch a show because I usually don't like a few.
I finished all my warrior cat book series and now I'm just reading a bunch of different books. I'm glad that the library is finally open and I don't have to waste so much money buying new books on Amazon to read. I should re-read some of my other series that I have.
Hopefully, I will go back to work soon, but I will dread going if it's going to be some new normal where I have to wear a stupid facemask and how much other crap.
That's it for now.