Saturday, March 1, 2014

If I Could Make One Wish

If I could make one wish and know it would come true, then my wish would be for Pet Society and getting my little Sammy back. I still miss him every day. I miss seeing him smile, wave and laugh. I miss him playing with his toys. I miss taking him fishing at the water hole. I miss all his petlings. I miss all our friends.
I miss all the cute themes and fun stuff. No other game will ever compare.
I hate EA so much and I feel sorry for anyone who buys or plays any of their games.
I can't believe how much time has gone by because my heart still belongs to my little Sammy and I still want to play with him. I will never stop wanting that. If I was granted just one wish in the whole world, it would be for Pet Society to be back on Facebook and to see my little Sammy again. I don't care if he had all the stuff I bought him or not. I don't care if his house just had one room and I had to start all over again.
I know I'm crazy, but I can't stop wanting what I want or wishing for something that will never be.