Thursday, February 27, 2014

Captives Wasn't That Captivating

I thought that after watching Purged, Supernatural was going to get better. I was wrong. It got worse. I still can't stand all that angel crap. I hate the angels on Supernatural. There are so many reasons why. I hate that they punch each other and use violence when they have powers. They have all kinds of powers at their disposal and they act more like humans than humans do. Plus, I can't stand how there are a ton of factions. I still don't understand what is going on and I doubt I ever will. I think the angel crap is just around to give Castiel a story because otherwise his character would be of no use anymore.
Now on to the dumb episode. Now are the writers going to bring back every dead person as a ghost or just the ones fans snivel to see again. I liked Kevin, but please let him die and stay dead just like Bobby. I never did like Mama Tran, so I could have done without seeing her again.
This episode was like watching two separate shows and it didn't even feel like I was watching Supernatural. It felt like Sam and Dean were guest starring on some other show. This episode was just one big long snooze fest and it probably cured me again of my Supernatural addiction. I'll have to wait and see if The Ghostfacer episode is any good. I'm praying it will be.

Now onto Sam and Dean and all the crap that's going on between them. Here's what I think is Sam's problem and why he is still mad at Dean for what he did. I don't think it was just about Dean having an angel possess him to save his life. It was about Dean trusting an angel again over Sam. Dean trusted Gadreel and he had no reason to. You'd think after how much time, Dean would never trust an angel again, but he trusted one and that probably hurt Sam. Because it seems that Dean will never trust Sam again. Why? Because how long ago he lied about Ruby and went off with her. Dean has never let any of that go and it seems like he'll never forgive Sam for it. I still can't stand Dean for saying all that crap that Sam should confess like losing his soul. How the hell was that Sam's fault? It's like Dean will never trust Sam no matter what. Dean even trusts Crowley over Sam.
Another thing Sam is probably mad about. He suffered for how many months during those trials, so they could close hell and then it was all for nothing. And it was like Sarah and how many of the other people Crowley killed died for no reason at all. Sam is probably mad at himself for stopping and choosing Dean over closing hell and finishing the trials. How many people will probably die because of it and that will be all on Sam?

And onto the crap about Sam while darling Dean was in Purgatory. I've said this before and I'm going to say it again. Why did every demon, angel and monster leave Sam totally alone for a whole year? You'd think that Crowley or the angels would have keep tabs on what he was doing. And I blame the writers for dropping the whole thing and ending it how quick because fans sniveled. I hated Amelia, but I wish the writers would have explained things. Not Sam just went and lived a normal life, but then came back after a year of normal life and was not rusty hunting at all. And it was like Sam had never stopped hunting. The cabin did not look as if it had sat for a whole year without anyone being there. And why did Sam return to the cabin right after Dean got out of Purgatory. And why did Amelia's husband return as well. The writers just dropped the story and made it look like Sam didn't even bother to look for Dean. Just thinking about that episode where Crowley had Kevin locked up and was scrubbing his short term memory and having those demons looking like Sam and Dean made me think. Who knows if something like that didn't happen with Sam? Amelia might have been a real person that Sam met after he hit the dog and she was what they used to make him think he was having a relationship and that everything was real to keep him out of the way.
Or for all we know, Sam could have been doing anything for either the angels or demons and they replaced his real memories with memories of a normal life. Look how Zachariah made Sam and Dean think they were other people and they were living normal lives for how long. Maybe that's what Naomi did to Sam. It's funny that Dean never did meet Amelia and no one but Sam had contact with her.
I love how everyone thinks Sam would have been able to find out where Dean went on his own. Even if he knew Dean was in Purgatory, how was he to get him out. Naomi said how many angels died to get Castiel out. So, Sam was supposed to just find some way to get Dean.
It makes me wonder if Carver and Co decided to stretch things out with the whole Sam left Dean in Purgatory to make fans dislike Sam and then we'll find out what really happened. Doubt it. I must be dreaming again because I doubt Carver and Co even know what they're doing or what they are writing. And I doubt we'll ever know one way or the other if what happened was real or not.

I wonder if some fans have even read the story of Cain and Abel. It's very interesting. It's funny that Dean probably trusted Cain to tell the truth and he'd trust Cain over Sam as well. I'm hoping for some interesting stuff with that Mark of Cain. And hopefully the writers actually can come up with something surprising for the end of the season instead of more crap. Now I wonder if either Sam or Dean  is going to be killed and they'll end up in the veil for the season ending. And next season we'll wonder how they are going to get out of the veil and I'm sure they'll meet up with all kinds of people they know there.