Saturday, August 22, 2009

Love For Sam And Dean

My love for Sam and Dean is strong and after seeing that new promo for season 5, I'm looking forward to the premiere and the new season.

I personally don't get when people are disappointed in Sam and Dean's characters. They are human and they don't know everything. I wish people would take them down off those high pedestals that they have them on or they will crash right down to the ground. Sam is not innocent and the last time that he was, was when he was a baby. I can't stand people telling how they want the old Sam back because he was innocent. Innocent of what? I just don't get it. I love Sam, even if he slept with a demon and drank demon blood. I understand that Sam would do whatever it takes to save people because he's always felt like he can't save anyone. Dean has always had a little darkness to his character and I never stopped loving him, when I found out he tortured souls in hell and liked it. Dean is just Dean. I love him because of who he is, not someone I want him to be. Dean never got a proper childhood and had to grow up too fast, so sometimes he doesn't act as mature because his inner child wants to have the fun, that he never had.
Sam and Dean have changed a lot over the course of the show and I've never stopped loving them. Sure, I really didn't get some stuff about Dean's character, but I never stopped loving him and thinking of him the same way, just like Sam.
Season 4 to me was just a weird season all around and most times, I didn't understand what the writers were trying to do or accomplish. I don't want a mystery show, where I'm constantly trying to guess what's going to happen next. I want a show that I can enjoy each week and get it all in every episode. Maybe a little mystery, action, romance, bromance, horror and whatnot. I have a feeling that the show is going to be a whole lot better in season 5 and I hope it makes more sense than season 4. I'm not going to stop loving Sam and Dean for anything. They both could kill someone, sleep with someone I hate, do something totally out of character or whatever, I'm sure they'll have a good reason for it.

I can't understand the fighting between people who love either Sam or Dean more. I don't want to fight anyway, but I get tired of so many people trying to put Sam down all the time. His character is as great as Dean's and in my opinion, greater. I love Sam and I will tell what I love about his character and what I think his character is doing. I don't think that's tearing down Dean to build up Sam, if I say something good about Sam. It's not tearing down Sam, when someone says something good about Dean and something bad about Sam. Everyone sees the characters how they want to see them and maybe that's the trouble.

I love Sam and Dean for who they are, not what I want them to be. If someone can't love them that way, then they don't love them at all.

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