Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sam And Lilith

Here's a few thoughts I've had about Sam. First off, I think a part of Sam was crying out to Dean and trying to get him to help him. Not a lot of people believe this. I still think Sam left his cell phone for Dean to find. Maybe so Dean would find out he was talking to Ruby and try to stop him. Also when Dean found out why didn't he do anything. He knew Sam was up to something and didn't try to find out what it was. People think Dean didn't change when he went to hell. The old Dean would've watched and followed Sam and found out what he was up to. The old Dean would've never let Sam be with Ruby in any way, especially after Dean found out that Sam slept with her. Sure Dean had his own problems, but if he didn't change from hell, he would've done something. Also, when Sam told Dean to come with him and Ruby. He wanted his big brother with him, but Dean set the conditions and said no way if the skank was coming. I think Sam made sure that Dean would be able to find him in that honeymoon suite. He was probably waiting for him to show up, even though he told Ruby that he was trying to throw Dean off. Dean knew Sam and Sam knew Dean knew what he would do. I still think there was a part of Sam crying out to Dean and Dean just never looked or noticed.

Now about Lilith. A part of me wants to believe that Ruby was Lilith the whole time. Why did we never see Lilith and Ruby at the same time? The writers kept saying Lilith would be in the 5th season, that could have been to throw people off and make them not believe that Lilith dying was the last seal or she could still be alive. Also, why didn't the ground open up right away after Lilith died, it wasn't until Dean stabbed Ruby that the blood started going and the ground opened up. What was the deal with that? Possibly a delay and not what I'm thinking. Maybe there's a part of Lilith inside Sam now. Who knows? I still think Ruby wanted Sam to drink that blood for some reason other than to just trick him. There had to be a purpose to it. I still think the blood somehow made Sam stronger in some way or his powers. It probably made him feel good and he didn't have the headaches. If there is not more to the blood drinking and Lilith and all of that, then that will just be stupid.
Also, demons lie and was Lilith lying to Sam when she said she was going to be killed off at the best part. Why do people keep believing the demons and the angels? They are constantly lying to Sam and Dean. Dean being the one to defeat Lucifer. That could be a big fat lie. Lilith dying to break the last seal. Another lie. Who really knows?

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