Monday, September 14, 2009

One Tree Hill And Gossip Girl Premieres

First off. One Tree Hill. It started out with the very talented Bethany Joy singing and I was so happy. Lucas and Peyton are gone, but I didn't even care. I feel sad for the people who loved their characters, but I personally thought they were my least favorite of all the characters on the show. One new character that I just loved is Clayton played by Robert Buckley. He's going to make the show be even better. I loved seeing Julian and Brooke together. I loved that scene where Skills and Mouth were both naked and Millicent walked in on them. It was a laugh and a half. My favorite thing about this episode was Dan Scott. He's still alive and he was supposed to be dead because of his heart. He needed to get redemption and I loved what he said about forgiving yourself for things. You don't ever have to be the person you were. I liked little Jamie telling Nathan that he should forgive his father. Forgiveness is a great gift that you can give yourself and other people. Maybe Sam and Dean Winchester could learn a little bit from Dan Scott about forgiveness.

Now for Gossip Girl. Chuck, Chuck and Chuck. I just love Chuck Bass. He's still my favorite bad boy of TV, even when he's being good. I love seeing Chuck and Blair together. Rufus was looking hotter than ever for my cute older guy. I liked seeing Eric be on the show a little more. I'm starting to like Vanessa more than Serena. Serena has just become annoying and I can't stand her character, in fact, I've never really liked her character all that much. I can't wait for next week's episode, it should be good.

Now for something personal. I went to my nephew's birthday party today and of course, one of the drama queens was there. I wish some people would realize that the world does not revolve around just them, there are other people in this world and we all have problems. I can't stand people that try to make you as miserable as they are. I remember when I spent a time in a pit of misery and it was hard to get out of, but I did. I never tried to drag other people into it, to keep me company. I dragged myself out of that pit and these people need to learn to do that for themselves. You can let other people help you out of the pit, but don't try crawl over them or drag them down with you. I got out of that pit by using music, my books and TV to help me. I know that doesn't work for everyone, but that's what helped me and that's why I love these things.

I'm going to keep doing the things that make me happy, not the things other people tell me will make me happy. Most people are pretending that they have great lives and hiding behind their misery, it's sad.

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