Friday, September 11, 2009

Supernatural Picked Apart and The New Thursday Night

I'll start with Supernatural. Here's some things that I found interesting about "Sympathy For The Devil". First off, I don't have sympathy for Lucifer, but I do for the poor guy that became Lucifer's vessel. I think Mark Pellegrino is going to be great on the show as Lucifer. As for Dean being Michael's vessel. I'm not to sure that he is. Why couldn't he hear Castiel or why didn't Michael come to Dean himself and ask to use him as a vessel. Why did the bad angels threaten Dean to say yes? If Jimmy was Castiel's chosen vessel, then why could his daughter be his vessel, too. It's funny to me that when whoever saved Sam and Dean at the beginning and you saw that light, Sam looked right into and Dean looked down.
I still think Sam has a purpose, even though some people don't. Why would Sam be saved right along with Dean if he didn't. I still think those bad angels are lying to Dean about being Michael's vessel, but you never know. They've lied to Dean how many times now. One wonders if perhaps, instead of Michael, Dean was going to be Lucifer's vessel. Who knows how many potential people could be his vessel? Why didn't the angels care about Dean's safety in season 4. Dean almost died how many times. I guess they could bring him back to life, but if they could do that, then they should be able to force him to be Michael's vessel.
I think Kripke and Co are downplaying Sam right now because who knows what Sam is going to do. I had a funny thought. What if Sam is God's vessel? You never know.
I still think it's interesting that Dean was supposed to die and the war was over for him, then Daddy Winchester made the deal and all of a sudden Dean has some higher purpose to be Michael's vessel. It just doesn't wash.
As for Dean trusting Sam. Does Sam even know that Dean broke the first seal in hell, or are we to believe Dean told Sam that? I think Dean lies to Sam, but Dean can't trust Sam, that's laughable. As for Sam trusting a demon over Dean. Sam asked Dean to come with them and Dean chose to be self-righteous and stubborn. Then Dean doesn't know about the changed cell phone message, that had a big impact on Sam's choice. Will Dean learn about that?
Here's another thing people are talking about. Bobby being possessed. Sure he probably had charms and maybe a tattoo or something. I'm surprised that Bobby was able to fight the demon in him, just like John did. John was able to fight Azazel for a little bit when he was being possessed. Why did Meg have to lock herself in Sam's body? And speaking of John Winchester. John was a vessel for Azazel. He was a demon and an angel. So does that mean Sam and Dean could both be vessels for angels. Also, where did Sam get his powers and why did he stop having visions? I hope we find out this season, finally.
I actually enjoyed the show and I can't wait for episode 2 when we get to see Ellen, Jo and Rufus again. It looks really good.

Now for the new Thursday nights. I was worried that "The Vampire Diaries" would not be too good. I actually liked it and I really got into it when that Damon first came on. He just heated up the screen big time. I love that he is evil. I can't wait to see him and Stefan in more scenes. They are both hot looking actors.
I really missed "Smallville" and I loved hearing "Somebody save me" every thursday night. It like kicked off hero night on Thursday night. Now I guess I'll have to think of Thursday night as brother night. I can't wait for "Smallville" to start. It's going to suck that it's on Friday night, though.

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