Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sam's Power And Dean's Fear

I thought I'd post about Sam's power. I still think Sam has something inside him and I think it's Michael's sword. Sam probably thinks it's evil and so does Dean, but I don't think it is, or maybe it can be used for good or evil. I still can't believe that people think Sam's powers came from drinking the demon blood. Ruby told him that it was inside of him all along and he didn't need the blood. Also, the power that Sam craves is the power to save people. Is that evil? Sam was addicted to the power that he had because he could save people, he was addicted to the demon blood. I think that once Lilith was dead, then Sam would've stopped drinking the demon blood, anyway. Sam did not like drinking it and in fact, probably hated to. He did it because he thought he was helping to save everyone and stop the apocalypse, not start it. Neither Sam or Dean knew that killing Lilith would break the last seal. I'm sick of people saying that Sam made wrong choices. He made choices based on what he knew and the fact that he wanted to save people. Why doesn't anyone get that? I think people just want to think that Sam is evil and that's all there is to it.

Now for Dean's biggest fear. That is that Sam will turn evil. The demons and angels both have used this to trick and manipulate Dean and the sad thing is that Dean has let them. Maybe Ruby had Sam drinking the demon blood only so that Dean would think that Sam was turning evil. I still think Lilith and Ruby were working with Zac and the other angels. I think Zac and the angels wanted Dean to think that Sam was evil or turning evil for a reason. Look how Dean reacted when he found out that Sam was drinking demon blood. He just threw Sam in the panic room because he was so afraid for Sam and that he was turning into a monster and becoming evil.

I think Zac and the other angels wanted both Sam and Dean to think that the power inside Sam is evil, when in fact it could be good and from God or it is Michael's sword and Sam is Michael's real vessel. It's funny that people don't get that the angels and demons can read minds. They know what Sam and Dean are thinking and they've used that against them all along. Who knows if now, they are purposely tricking Sam into thinking that he's Lucifer's vessel, when in fact he's Michael's. Maybe Zac and Co don't want the apocalypse to end until all of humanity is destroyed and they know that Dean will never say yes to being a vessel for Michael, so he'll never know that he's really not Michael's vessel. Maybe Dean is Lucifer's vessel. Who knows?

I just think that Dean needs to stop being afraid that Sam will turn evil. Look at all that's happened to Sam. He drank demon blood for a long time and he didn't turn evil. He was exposed to the demon virus and he was immune to it. Now Sam is just trying to fight evil and he's been doing it for a long time. I just hope that Dean realized that Sam is not evil or never was or is going to be. Dean has never told Sam about Azazel telling him what he did or how much other stuff and maybe that was Dean's biggest mistake. Not telling Sam how he feels or what he's afraid of. Who knows? We'll have to find out what happens.

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