Monday, November 30, 2009

Tree Hill And Gossip Girl

Another good night of drama on both shows. First to talk about Tree Hill. I loved finally seeing little Jamie for a while. I miss him when he's not on a lot. It's nice seeing Brooke being with her mother and her mother actually being a mother to her. I wonder what Brooke's mother will do about Millie and seeing her steal Brooke's dress. That should be really interesting. One good thing about Millie's drug addiction is that they are making it more real. One cheesy part of the show was that stupid Alex and her suicide attempt. That was pretty lame in my opinion. I feel more sorry for Brooke not being able to have children, than a spoiled bitch that only thinks about herself.

Now for that wonderful Gossip Girl Thanksgiving. I just loved the Thanksgiving on the show because they were all sitting around the table and you could just feel the love flowing. LOL That was anything but love. I love all the back biting, lying, cheating and devious things those characters do to each other. You never know what they'll do next and that's what I love the most. Gossip Girl is the only show that keeps me guessing and I'd never be able to predict it. Nothing is ever what it seems. Things change from episode to episode. I still love my wonderful Chuck the most. He's the best part, even when he doesn't have a big storyline. He doesn't need one to be great.

I'd go on the message boards and say these things, but I'm tired of going on them and people freaking out. I swear sometimes those people are crazy. All the talk about what couple should be together. When will anyone realize that none of the couples will stay together. They change partners quicker than they change their clothes. That's just like people wanting love interests for Sam and Dean. Supernatural is not about Sam and Dean having normal lives or relationships, it's about them fighting evil. Yes, once in a while they can get together and have sex with someone for a quick one, but that's all it will ever be. It's not love, it's sex.

One thing I am pissed about is that Tree Hill and Gossip Girl get 24 episodes and Supernatural only 22. That sucks, even though I love my other shows, I wish Supernatural had as many episodes as they do.

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