Sunday, October 10, 2010

I Need To Stay Off Message Boards For A While

I think I'm going to stay off message boards for a while because it drives me crazy. All the crazy fans out there that just want to see Dean and Dean's character only. They want Supernatural to be The Dean Show because all they want to see is Dean. I want more Sam and Dean myself. I want to see Sam and Dean deal with their issues and problems. They can do it together or separately. It makes no difference to me. I'd love for Sam to finally have someone else besides just Dean and something else. I hate that some fans feel like Sam is only supposed to be with Dean all the time and no one else. And if Dean doesn't like who Sam spends his time with, then those people are evil or something. Give me a break. Since when is Dean a good judge of character. Then, all these people think Dean can just fix Sam, but maybe Dean is part of Sam's problems and why Sam is the way he is right now.

I just hope to get some Sam insight in season 6, but I'm not going to count on it. I'd like to see how Sam met Samuel and the rest of the Campbell's and maybe some of their hunts or something like that. I want to know what Sam did in that whole year without Dean. Did Dean really even try that hard to find a way to get Sam out of hell or did he just tell Sam that? Dean read some books, that doesn't sound like he tried that hard to me. When Dean was in hell, Sam summoned a crossroads demon and tried to trade places with Dean. Sam was a wreck because all he had was Ruby and Dean for a whole year had Lisa and Ben. Like Dean really suffered all that much for a year. I'm sure he did wonder about Sam, but was a part of him kind of relieved that Sam was gone and he no longer had to look after Sam or worry about him. It seemed to me, that the weight on Dean's shoulders was Sam. Once that was lifted, did Dean feel better. I don't know.

I'd like to see things happen on the show, but if I don't then whatever. I'll love the show no matter what, but just as long as both Sam and Dean are on it together. I love when they're both on the show equally and not when there's more than one or the other. I'd love to see an entire episode with just Sam and maybe we'd get to see more of what he's thinking and feeling, but I doubt it will ever happen. Jensen/Dean fans would have a fit and go ballistic or something and whine and cry that Dean was being pushed aside for Sam and whine whine whine. They don't care if maybe Jensen would like a little break every now and then. Like he doesn't work hard or something and would maybe like to go on vacation too. Or he might need time off for something personal, but never gets it because of his rabid and crazy fans. I think most of them love Dean and could care less about Jensen himself. That's just sad. It would be nice to see other characters with more airtime and then both Jared and Jensen could get a break, but everyone wants to see Sam and Dean stuck to each other's asses all the time. It's scary.

I love the boards, but they are like an addiction or something and I have to go cold turkey right now. I may go on once in a while, but I want to enjoy season 6 just like I did season 5 without all the hatred and craziness.

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