Friday, November 26, 2010

I'm A Loser And I Love Sam

I'm a big fat loser. I went to the gambling town for Thanksgiving and lost like usual. I'm not a winner and I doubt I ever will be. I had a good time though. It was a nice ride down on a double Decker bus. I sat up top with two of my sisters that went. I lost quite a bit of money like a fool. I hope I can still buy Misha's photo op for the Con. I think I'll have enough money for it. The sad part is, I've lost more money gambling than anything else. I think of all the money I lost and I could have went to how many conventions in the past. Gambling is my addiction, but I can stop and I have. I'm probably not going to go again until after the Convention. I really need all my money for it and other things right now. Losing makes me not want to go back for a long time. I like to have money to do other things with and when I go to gamble, I just end up losing and I hate that. There have been a rare few times that I actually won money and brought it home and bought things I needed with it.

I love Sam, even though I think he's an abomination. I just think there has to be more to Sam and if there isn't, than I'm going to be very disappointed. I just don't get how Sam's body could be walking and talking without his soul or something to make it be alive. I still think Sam could be part angel or something and maybe his grace is what's animating his body right now. Maybe he's a human body with angel grace and his soul isn't there. Or, Sam's body is being possessed by an angel. He has the tattoo to keep him from being possessed by demons, but that doesn't work with angels and who knows if only Lucifer could possess him. I still wonder if Michael isn't possessing Sam or there's always been a part of Michael or some of Michael's grace in Sam.
I think back to last season when Castiel was acting and becoming more human because he was cut off from heaven and he was losing his grace. At the end he was sleeping in the car and angels don't sleep. Sam isn't sleeping right now at all. Why is that?
Castiel was an angel losing his grace, where Sam could be a human body with just angel grace and no human soul. Maybe that's what's special about Sam. That he is human and has a soul, but also angel grace. Then he's an angel vessel too.
I just know that if at the end of the show, we never find out about Sam, I'm going to be angry as hell. Maybe they're leaving it up to us to decide what Sam is, but I want it explained. How Sam could have the powers he does and they're not all from demon blood? How Sam could even drink a ton of demon blood, without his stomach exploding or something?
I can't wait for Caged Heat because I just watched the preview a couple of times and I love Sam with that blood in his mouth. Hot is what it is. I thought Sam and Dean were being tortured, but I watched it really slow and you can see that it looks like Meg is being tortured and you see Crowley screaming. It just looks like it's going to be a great episode. I hope so. I'm loving this season, as long as I stay off message boards. I looked on a few and went on the CW one and I just don't feel like posting on any of them. I can't stand all the crap and don't bash this character or that or blah blah blah. Basically, don't say anything and that's what I'm doing, except for Hell House because I can bash whoever I want and say what I want.
All that crap about the People's Choice Awards. I don't care if Supernatural or Vampire Diaries wins because they are both great shows and deserving of any award. I just don't like how some people think that's fair. You can vote a ton of times and how is that the people's choice. You should only be allowed to vote one time and one time only. Then, it's sad that they only go with what people on the Internet like. There are tons of people watching all these shows, so it's not the people's choice, it's only some people's and that's a crock of crap. I voted for Supernatural for the TV Guide cover because they deserve it and should have had a big spread and a cover long ago. It's sick that TV Guide has never given them one. Supernatural has been very deserving of awards for a long time and so have Jared and Jensen. I hope Jared and Jensen know that they've gotten the best award of all for doing Supernatural and that's what they give us fans every time the show is on. If I could ever talk to them for a few minutes, that's all I'd want to do, is thank them for being in Supernatural and doing such a great job of entertaining me. I love them so much for that and I always will.

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