Monday, November 22, 2010

My Little Turkey

My little Sammy is a turkey right now. Actually, he's wearing a turkey costume, but he's still a little demon. I haven't been able to play with my little Sammy a lot because my internet has been so slow and they've been playing with Facebook and Pet Society again. I wish they'd leave stuff alone for just a little bit and quit changing things, constantly. It drives me crazy. It's been hard to see my other little demons too. I've been able to see them, but I don't get to spend a lot of time with them.
I was released from my job today. I stayed on as long as I could, until they kicked me out the door. Our work ran out and I probably won't be called back until Jan. or Feb. I hope that I'm called back a couple of weeks before the convention, so that I have some money for it. I still have to collect enough money to pay for the motel, get a camera and have money for food and goods while I'm there. I should be able to get unemployment, so that will help. I wish the Convention would have been in March instead of Feb. Then I could have had my tax return to use. I probably won't get it before the Con.
I'm trying to stay off the message boards again and I've been succeeding. I just don't feel like going on them anymore. There are too many fans complaining and moaning about the show and that Sam doesn't have his soul. I'm tired of it already.
I think it's kind of funny that Dean is getting what he deserves. What I mean by that is, that he's finally seeing what Sam goes through dealing with him. Sam has been acting like Dean, but now Dean can see how he's treated Sam, by the way Sam is treating him. It's funny that the only way that Sam could ever be like Dean, is without his soul. I can't wait for the next episode Caged Heat. It looks like it's going to be really good. It looks like both Sam and Dean are going to be tortured.
I'm going to start watching some season four episodes again. I've been watching season five a lot and now I want to watch season four again. I can watch all the seasons of Supernatural and I love them all, even season four. It might be my least favorite season, but I still love a lot of the episodes. This season is still better than season four.
All my shows are repeats this week because of Thanksgiving, but I don't mind. Then, they'll be another week or so of new episodes and another big break. I kind of like the breaks because I can read or go to the movies and stuff like that. I still need to go see the new Harry Potter movie. Hopefully, I'll see it this coming week or weekend. I'm going to go to the gambling town again for Thanksgiving. My Mom and two of my sisters are going with me, so we can eat and gamble together. I'm not going to take a lot of money because I don't want to lose a lot. It would be nice if I could win a little money and come home with it. I haven't done that in a long time. I remember once going down there for Thanksgiving and winning a couple hundred dollars and then going shopping on Black Friday with it. It was really fun to have money to spend on whatever I wanted. I doubt I'll win anything, but I hope I have fun at least.

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