Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Little Sammy Is The Phantom Of Pet Society

My little Sammy is the Phantom Of Pet Society or at least one of them. I love the themes they come up with. I love Phantom Of the Opera and I was so excited to see all the new stuff on Sunday. I love the musical and I went to see it about 15 or more years ago. I'd love to see it again. I also love the movie they did and I love watching it. I love Andrew Lloyd Webber's music because it touches your very soul when you listen to it and the music from Phantom is the best. I wish I could have seen the musical when Michael Crawford was the phantom and Sarah Brightman was Christine. That would have been awesome. I love them singing the songs because their voices are so beautiful.

Work is pretty good right now and I found out that I'm going to be doing some different work this year. That could be a good or bad thing. Right now, I'm just trying to stay awake doing the work that I'm doing because it's so boring. I make a lot of extra money doing it, but I'm falling asleep all the time and I hope I'm not making errors. It's the kind of work that I really have to concentrate on. I just hope we get some more work in or I'll be released again for a while. I don't want that to happen because I need money for the Convention.

It's only a little over two weeks to go for the new episode to be on. I can't wait to see what's going to happen. I hope we get some more Sam for a change and not a bunch of crap. I'm tired of it. I hope there will be some more focus on Sam's character, but I'm not going to count on it. I've learned not to because I've always been disappointed after all the episodes are over and we've gotten nothing but more Dean issues and more Dean angst. I want Sam issues and Sam angst for a change, but it will probably never happen. I've looked at what some people want for Sam's character and I doubt they're going to get it. How many people think Sam is going to have some big emotional breakdown or something and I don't think he will? Maybe, he will and maybe he won't. I still wonder where Sam's soul really was. Sure it could have been in hell, but maybe it wasn't and it was in heaven or somewhere nice and it was pulled back because of Dean. I just hope we get some good stuff between Sam and Dean and not hugging and crap. I want to see reality. I actually want to see Sam punch Dean in the face just one time. Sure, Sam doesn't do that, but it would be nice to see it because Dean deserves a good punch. Then Sam can hug him.

Well, that's it for now. Maybe I'll post some more Pet Society pics on my other blog over the weekend.

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