Sunday, May 1, 2011


My beautiful Bela is wonderful. I just love her so much. I'm glad that I have her with me and she makes me happy. I've been depressed more this year for a lot of different reasons, but right now, I'm happy again.
All my shows are new and they've all been really good with the exception of Gossip Girl. It has gotten kind of boring to watch recently. It's still okay to watch.

I really loved Supernatural's episode Mommy Dearest. It was funny and dramatic and Crowley is back and I love him. Castiel and Crowley. I just love it. It's too good to be true. Castiel has been acting way too mysterious and shady this season to have not been up to something. At the beginning of the season, the writers said that someone close to Sam and Dean would betray them. There were only two people close to Sam and Dean, Castiel and Bobby. I'm still wondering about Bobby, though. Anything could happen at this point. I have a ton of theories about everything, but who knows what is what. I can interpret the show any way that I want to and it's finally making sense to me.

I really loved Smallville. I don't look at the titles very often for the episodes of the other shows. I just enjoy watching them and don't care what their titles are. I just love the content. It was great seeing Zod again. Wow! Is he hot looking. Three hot guys all at once on there is too much. I loved watching Clark and Oliver fighting. That was one of the best scenes that I've ever seen on Smallville in the last ten years. Justin Hartley did a great job directing that episode and he did a great job acting as well. I'm really going to miss Smallville. It could go on for more years and I'd still love it.

Vampire Diaries has the best plot running out of all the shows. I hate to say it, but they also have a ton of hot guys on there. And it's not just about their looks, they are great actors too. I love watching them all. All the characters have a storyline and fit into the main plot. I love watching the mix of male and female characters on there. It's nice. Stephan and Damon act like two brothers in the way that they are more rivals than they are loving brothers. I love that too. I like how they will defend each other one minute and then turn around and fight with each other the next.

I've been trying to read more again. I only get to read a lot on the weekends. I really don't have time on the weekdays because I'm going to work and doing a ton of other things. I love reading and most of the time when I read, it's just like watching a movie in my head. I love it and I can't wait for more Supernatural books to come out. I've read the other ones a ton of times and I'm still reading them over and over. I'm not too excited about the next one that's coming out, but the two after that, look very promising.

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