Friday, May 27, 2011

Supernatural: Exile On Main Street

Why was the title of Supernaturals first episode of season 6 called Exile On Main Street? I didn't even see main street. Does it even matter? Who knows why it was called that, only the writers?
I actually loved watching this episode again. I haven't watched it for months now. I could even gut seeing Lisa and Ben in it. You wish they would have been killed right away and then Dean could have just started hunting with soulless Sam again and everything would have been great. It never turns out how you want it. I loved watching the Campbell's and I really think they were way underused by the writers. I wish we could have seen more of them throughout season 6 instead of all of them being killed and two of them by Sam and Dean themselves. I would rather have watched the Campbell's than Ben and Lisa in more episodes. It's funny, but I didn't mind Lisa and Ben at first until they kept appearing and never went away. By the time Let It Bleed came on, I just wanted them gone already and preferably dead.
One thing that stood out in this episode was Jensen. He was hot looking. I usually look at just Jared, but Jensen was really looking hot. Jared was just great at playing soulless Sam. You knew there was something off about Sam, but you didn't really know what in this episode.
I actually think the writing was pretty darn good if you love a good mystery. I like mysteries, but not that much on Supernatural. I was entertained during all of season 6, so the writers did their jobs as far as I'm concerned.
I loved that neighbor guy and it's too bad he was killed right away. He was better to watch than Lisa and Ben. I still wish Corin Nemec would have been around longer and that all the Campbell's would have been around. It's nice that Sam and Dean never really went to Samuel for help, but when he was dead, they sure used his library. You gotta love that.
I loved seeing Sam driving his very own car. I bet Sam always wanted his own car to drive and who knows if he drove his own car while he was in college or maybe Jess had a car that he drove. I know Sam loves the Impala, but that was Dean and their dad's car and not Sam's. Soulless Sam probably loved driving a faster car and listening to his own music and having the car how he wanted it to be and not how Dean wanted it.
I notice a lot of fans whining about Sam's point of view and what Sam likes and they hardly know Sam at all. Maybe some of them should have watched the episodes where Sam was soulless a little bit more closely. Soulless Sam was Sam and he had all of Sam's thoughts and memories, just not his soul that is his empathy, compassion and love. I was watching and I learned a whole lot about Sam from watching soulless Sam, but most fans just want Sam to be a certain way and that's it. They want Sam to just be sitting next to Dean in the Impala and keeping his mouth shut. And having Dean's back and doing whatever Dean wants instead of Sam going after what he wants. Then Sam should not have sex. I bet Sam has always wanted sex, especially when you saw him watching porn on TV and having erotic dreams about Bela. He just doesn't go out and get it or do what he wants to like Dean did. Soulless Sam went out and had sex with whoever he wanted to. That was a really good indication that soulless Sam had Sam's memories and thoughts. If soulless Sam was like a sociopath, he would not have paid that hooker. He would have just raped and then probably killed her afterward. I love how fans come up with crap like that. Like soulless Sam was just running around killing innocents for kicks and that was it. Soulless Sam was out hunting monsters, demons and whatever because that's what he always did. He just didn't care if some innocent people died while he was killing the monsters. Dean said Sam was acting just like him, so you wonder how many innocents have died because of some of the choices Dean has made hunting in the past.

Oh well! I really enjoyed the repeat of Exile On Main Street. I just wish I had a DVR to record all the episodes so I could watch them whenever I want to. Right now I just have to wait for repeats. It kind of reminds me of the olden days when there were no DVR's or any way to record a show and watch it later. I sometimes miss those days because it was more exciting to wait for the show to come on.

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