Sunday, May 8, 2011

Supernatural Fandom

I love Supernaturals fandom and I actually went and posted for a while at the CW boards. I didn't think it would be possible because I've been called how many things on there and attacked by other posters for what I think. I like all the fans on there and not just the ones that agree with me. I like a lot of them that have great ideas, see the characters in different ways and have interesting theories. I don't agree with all of them, but it's nice to know what other fans are thinking and feeling. I just sometimes have to hold back because I sometimes get caught up in their emotions somehow and it makes me crazy.
I think fans are very passionate about what they love. Whether it be, Sam, Dean, Castiel, Bobby or combinations or the whole show. I think all fans want different things from the characters and from the show. The writers can not please all the fans, they try to, but it will never happen.
I've been a sarcastic bitch on there sometimes, but I can't help that. I like to be and I don't expect anyone to understand that. I just get angry and it comes out as sarcasm. I love to make fun of the characters as well. I sometimes laugh and laugh at work thinking about things that the characters have done or could do. It kills me and I love it. There have been posters on there that I've thought of as bitches and they have been at times. I know I'm a bitch at times, but I don't go around and try to tell others how they should think and feel about the characters or the show. They can feel however they want to, but no one should be attacked for feeling and thinking what they want to. I see the show how I want to and the characters.
I do love Sam the most because I love Jared. That's just me. I understand the fans who love Dean more and want more of him. I understand the fans that love the female characters and want to see more of them. I don't like Lisa and Ben and I want them gone, but I do know other fans did like them. There just needs to be more respect for others on there. No one is going to see the show in the same way. Some do and others don't.
I still love Supernatural through all the changes. I think now, the writers have been trying to please fans more than come up with a really good story and one they want. You can't please every fan out there. Not all fans want the same thing.
I think the writers should come up with something and not worry so much about fan reaction to everything. Fans are either going to like the show or not. That's what made the first couple of seasons the best because the writers probably didn't worry so much over pleasing every fan out there.
Not all Supernatural fans are online or on the Internet. Not all fans are obsessed with the show and every detail. There is a big division of fans out there and they will never all be pleased. I hope the writers don't write because of certain fans on the Internet alone and what they want only. Or what fans say at Conventions, like they are the only ones who love the show. I know there are more fans out there that love Jensen and his character Dean. They only want to see Dean and have the show be all about him. A lot of those fans do think Dean is the heart of the show. I think both Sam and Dean are the heart of the show.
I got a little heart and hand to decorate at work for our theme for the year. I put Sam on the heart and Dean on the hand. I wish I could have gotten two hearts, so that I could have put them both on a heart. I would have put Castiel on the hand. They are not big and I had to find small pictures of Sam and Dean to put on them. It's nice to look at them all day at work and think about the show.

I actually love all of Supernatural. I love Sam first of course and then Dean. That's just me. I love all the other characters of the show. Good and evil. Male and Female. Monster, angel, demon or human. They have all made the show wonderful to watch and I still enjoy watching it. I'd like certain things to happen on the show. Mainly more Sam and one episode that is all about his character and no one else. I don't think it's asking too much, but maybe it is. I'd love other stuff to happen to, but most of it will only happen in my thoughts or if I write some fan fic one day. I'm just hoping that season 7 will be more about Sam and Dean again. Not just either or, but about both brothers and the focus will stay on both of them. I don't mind that. I loved season 5 because it felt like that. Like both of them were on the show and had the same amount of story. I still think Jensen and Dean have been focused on, way more than Jared and Sam have. Any fan that tells me otherwise, has never watched the show. I've watched all the episodes countless times over and over for years. I've seen more of Dean's pov, more of him on the screen, more of other characters interacting with him and episodes that Sam is not even hardly in and it's all Dean. No one can tell me the show has been equal between them since the third season. It has not. I joke around and call it The Dean Show, but sometimes that's how it feels to Sam fans and I don't think Dean fans will ever understand that. They get plenty of Dean on the screen and just all the time.
I just had to get this out of my system and thought I'd come and post it here.

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