Friday, July 8, 2011

The Brian Buckley Band

When I first saw The Brian Buckley Band at the L.A. SPN Convention, I thought they were an okay group. I loved Brian's voice, but it was kind of being drowned out by the music. I bought a CD for myself and one for my sister and the band signed them. I'm so glad that I did. I listened to their first CD and I liked it a lot and it had such a different sound than what I've heard before. I love that the most about the band, that it's different. Hysterical Blindness their new CD is awesome. I love each and every song on it and I love listening to it at work. My favorite song is Coo Coo and I love the music and the words and it gets me typing how fast at work. I love that Brian wrote most of the songs. That's something I really love, when singers write their own songs because it gives them even more meaning.
I am now a Brian Buckley Fan and not just a Supernatural fan that likes them. I'm very grateful to Jared because if not for him, then I'd probably have never known about them. I usually find new music by hearing it on my favorite TV shows.
The Brian Buckley Band has given me a very special gift and that's the gift of great music. That's one of the best things in the world and I'm very grateful to them for sharing this music. I hope to one day see them live again. I wish I could see them in Vegas because I love going there.
My pics are not so great, but I thought I'd use them. I love all those peoples heads. I'm sure my head is in how many pictures out there. I'll be supporting Brian and the rest of the band and hopefully they'll have another album come out. That would be great.

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