Friday, September 23, 2011

Supernatural Season 7: Meet The New Boss

The thing I loved most about the first episode of season 7 was Julian Richings as Death. I loved that whole scene when he first appeared and when Misha Collins came. Death and the New God. I loved the whole thing. I swear sometimes Misha, Julian and Mark Sheppard steal scenes and I totally forget that Sam and Dean are even there. It's kind of scary.
I wonder about this episode and is all of it real or is some of it all taking place in Sam's head again. Why did Sam have that bandage on his hand for the whole episode? I'm sure it took a couple of weeks for Dean to fix the Impala and for all of that to take place and Sam still had a bandage on his hand. Then when Lucifer said what he did to Sam and you didn't see Sam again. How that blood was just out there and no Sam?
Now on to good old Dean. If it was real, then I think Dean is an asshole. The way he treated Sam. It was almost like he wasn't even worried about Sam at all and that Sam was just a problem and that was it. I hated how Dean told Sam to not lie to him. How many times does Dean lie to Sam, but you don't see Sam getting angry about it? I wonder if Dean's attitude isn't guilt. He's guilty over his part in everything and he knows Sam is suffering because of him. Sam never asked for his soul to be restored or for his body to be brought back from Hell without his soul. Sam never got a choice in the matter at all. It was all Castiel's and Dean's choices and Sam never even got a say. Anything that Sam has done, is all on Dean's and Castiel's head as far as I'm concerned.
I thought this episode was so damn funny. I loved it for that. I love laughing and it make me laugh and feel good. That stuff with Castiel just killed me and then when Mark Sheppard came on. I love all of them. It was nice to see Mark Pellegrino again and I hope we get to see more of him and more of Julian Richings.
I'm not going to even look on any message boards because I can just imagine the crap that's being said. I'm tired of it. All the sniveling over Dean not having a storyline or not having his time in Hell addressed. Dean suffered in Hell, but all he has left from that is guilt over torturing. I wish some stupid fans would get that already. And some of the other stuff they bring up about Dean. I sometimes wonder if they can even process stuff in their crazy heads. Oh well, I'm not going to worry about that crap.
I can't wait for the next episode.
I'm also enjoying The Vampire Diaries right now. The last episode went by so fast because it was so good and I couldn't believe it was over when it ended. I wanted more. I thought I'd like The Secret Circle, but I really haven't gotten into it. I do love Ringer though. I always liked Sarah Michelle Gellar. I loved her as Buffy for the first three seasons of Buffy and then I couldn't stand what they did to her character. She was a strong slayer and then she because some weakling and turned into a slut as well. I hated that. I still loved Sarah, but I hated Buffy.
I also finished Bobby's Guide To Hunting. I thought it got better in the middle of the book and some parts were good. It was a pretty good read altogether. Not great, just good.

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