Sunday, December 11, 2011

Fun, Bela, Sam and Sammy

I'm been having fun going shopping and eating out almost every day. I went with my sister to the gambling town for a little fun as well. I lost again of course. I'm a loser as far as gambling goes. I'm glad that I haven't gone gambling in a while because all I do is lose. I'd rather play slots on Facebook. At least I don't lose real money playing those.
I've looked on the CW message boards and there's nothing really good being discussed, so I just go in Hell House and post a few things. It would be nice to post about a few things and see what others think, but who wants the fights and other crap. I certainly don't need that. I'm sick of Dean already and his depressed attitude. Maybe that's why I don't like Dean right now. It's his crappy attitude. Like he's the only person in the whole world who has lost or suffered anything. I still remember going to The Holocaust Museum in Washington and just thinking about what those people suffered and went through. Nothing that has happened to Dean can compare to that. Dean keeps moaning and whining about how much he's lost and he doesn't even care that others have probably lost as well. The Jews, Romani and Jehovah Witnesses lost way more. I can just imagine those Jews who lost their homes, businesses and then were sent to concentration camps. There they lost their hair, their clothes and their names. How many of them had to watch while their family members either died in the gas chambers or were just shot right in front of them. Some of them died on the trains that took them to these camps. They had nothing left, but their faith in God. God didn't abandon them, he was there suffering right along with them. God gave men free will and what did some men choose to do with that. They decided to enslave or kill other men and women. I sometimes wonder how any Jewish people have survived all the persecution that they have went through during the history of this world. Only by the grace of God could they have survived. Sure Dean went to hell, but these people lived through hell on Earth. Dean didn't suffer all the years he was in hell because he ended up being someone who caused others to suffer as well. Dean had the choice to keep on suffering or to make others suffer and he chose to torture. He broke in Hell and that says a lot about what kind of person he really is. He acts like he has absolutely nothing. Like Sam his brother is nothing. Dean eats every day and has a place to sleep and he has the Impala. He has something, but is he even grateful for that. No, he just whines and moans still. Then he kills some monsters and demons and thinks he should be rewarded for it. Like his life should be easier or better because he's helped people. I don't see Sam whining and moaning about how much he's lost. He's probably just grateful that he still has Dean and that he's not in hell anymore. That's a lot to be grateful for. It could be a whole lot worse. I still wonder if Sam believes in God. I still think he does or he wants to.
I just know that when I watch Supernatural I get depressed. Dean makes me depressed and I just can't stand his whiny and crappy attitude. I love how fans try to make out like Dean loves Sam. I still think part of Dean hates or resents Sam. He probably hated the fact that he couldn't be a normal kid because he had to look after Sam. I bet he even took some of his anger about that out on Sam. No one can tell me he didn't. I wonder if part of Dean isn't guilty because there are times that he wishes that Sam had never been born. Maybe that's Dean's secret. If Sam had never been born, then their mom and dad would have been alive and Dean could have lived a normal life. I think Dean loves Sam, but when Dean made that deal for Sam it wasn't just out of love, but obligation as well. Dean always said that taking care of and protecting Sam was his job. A lot of people hate their jobs and I wonder if part of Dean didn't hate taking care of Sam.
You don't ever get to know how Sam feels about anything anymore. I bet he sometimes wishes he had never been born just so his mom, dad and Dean could have all been having a life. Plus his girlfriend Jessica probably would never have died, plus anyone that came into contact with him would not have been possessed by demons to watch him his whole life.
I'd post about stuff on message boards, but I'm tired of idiots trying to fight with me or attack me because of something I say or because I don't think Dean is the greatest thing on TV and I don't feel like it. I've thought up a few spoofs, but I've been too lazy to write them and I've been busy lately having fun. It seems like the time is just flying by.
I'm glad that I finally got my Supernatural calendars yesterday. I wondered if I'd get them by the new year. It was a nice surprise finding an autographed photo of Mark Sheppard in one of them. It must have got in there by mistake. Oh well! I'm going to keep it because finders keepers. I'll get another one when I go to the L.A. Con in March and I'll be able to watch Mark Sheppard sign it. I never got his autograph this year because it wasn't a part of my package. I should have bought it, but I didn't have that much money. I got to see Mark up close and personal at the dessert party, so it was all good. The L.A. Con looks like it's going to be great and I can't wait to go. There are going to be a lot of good stars at this one.
Well I think I'm done posting for now.

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