Saturday, January 14, 2012

Time After Time After Time

I thought Time After Time After Time was a good episode, but it was just like Frontierland. It seems like the writers of Supernatural can't think up anything new and are just going with stuff that worked on previous episodes and putting new twists on them. I didn't even laugh during this episode and that's pretty sad. I thought everything that happened has already happened before. Like with Dean in the past. He was excited to wear the clothes. Same old same old, just like in Frontierland. Frontierland was cuter and more funny as far as I was concerned. It worked better and I loved it more because it was both Sam and Dean in the past. That older woman was just like the whore in Frontierland, but she actually got to kiss Dean. What I loved most about the episode was finally seeing Sam interact with someone other than Dean for a change? I love Jodie Mills and I hope we see her again.
I want to be more optimistic where Sam is concerned, but it's getting very hard. I want to believe that he'll finally get some screentime and a story, but I'm getting tired of waiting around for it. It seems like Sam's whole story is offscreen and unimportant to the writers. Maybe they think all the fans just want to see Dean all the time. I'm tired of Dean's same old storyline for the last 3 seasons. He's guilty, he's tired, he's watched how many people he loved die. Snivel, snivel and snivel. He's not the only one. I think Sam is right there with him and it seems like most of the time, Dean only cares about himself and how he feels and could care less about Sam.
I got really excited about reading some spoilers and the stuff Jared was saying that was coming up for Sam and then I thought about it and is it going to be like it was at the beginning of the season. I was all excited and couldn't wait to see Sam dealing with his hell memories and all that stuff and what did we get, pratically nothing. Two episodes that had how much and then it was back to poor Dean and his tired old storyline. I call Supernatural the Dean Show for a reason. It's seems like the whole show revolves mainly around Dean and about Dean. Sam is just there to help and support Dean and nothing else. I'd actually rather see Soulless Sam again because he at least got to have a personality. It seems like Sam is just there and we still don't know very much about him. I guess it's because he's so deep and all that, but I'm tired of waiting around. We know everything there is to know about Dean. His favorite song, his favorite this that and the other. Sam is just there and that's about it. Hell, he can't even be smart about anything anymore. Now Dean knows computer crap and everything else, so what does he need Sam around for. It's like Sam is some big dumb moose that just follows Dean around and does his bidding all the time.
I think the ratings have gone down because Sam and Jared fans are tired of waiting around for any storyline for Sam. At least Jared got to shine when he played soulless Sam and that was some of his best acting ever. He gets his soul back and we don't get to see his emotions. What was the point of him getting his soul back? So Dean would feel better and because Dean was worried he'd kill people. Obviously, Dean doesn't care if people live or die anymore. It seems like he was only hunting to save the people he loved and cared about and not everyone that he could.

I voted how many times for Supernatural to win the People's Choice Awards and then I watched the show and got crapped on because CBS didn't even bother to show or mention who won the best drama on the air. CBS just wanted to promote their crappy shows. I can't believe all the crap they had on instead of announcing how many of the awards. It was supposed to be an award show and not some show to promote their crap. I wanted to see awards presented and not all the other crap they had on. I read that Jared and Jensen were invited but didn't go because they would not have shown them receiving their award on TV. There would have been no point to them going. I'm glad Nina won for Vampire Diaries. I liked that Ellen won as well. Otherwise that awards show was an utter waste of time. I should have looked more on the Internet and I would have known they weren't going to be on and I could have gone to bed earlier.

Now on to work. I knew there was hardly anything coming in at my work. We already got a release notice and I could be released next week. I hope that doesn't happen because I need the money for the Convention. My unemployment is way less than it was last year. I guess I've just started to accept stuff. I accept being treated like crap at work. I accept that Sam will never be a valid character on Supernatural again. I accept all the crap thrown at me because that's the way the world works. You either accept the crap and live with it or you don't. I can snivel about everything, but what good will it do. None.

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