Monday, January 2, 2012

What Bullshit?

I need somewhere to vent and I decided to do it on my blog and I don't care anymore.
I ride the UTA and I'm getting tired of less and less service from them. It started about how many years ago and it's getting worse and worse. I used to ride the bus to work everyday and it was great. The bus only took about 20 minutes to get me to my work and the same coming home. Now I have to ride for 50 minutes in the morning and after work for 1 hour and 1/2 home and use two buses instead of one. That's a waste of how much time. The UTA used to claim they were saving people time and money. They may save some people money, but now they just waste people's time. I used to have three buses that took me to one of our malls and now you ride one bus to a train station, wait for 30 to 50 minutes to ride another one to the mall or the area around the mall. I usually just ride the one bus and walk the rest of the way because it saves me time and I get there quicker than waiting for a bus that may not come.
Now UTA is having less and less service around the holidays. I wonder if the drivers don't want more time off and were complaining about it and they gave them the time. It does not make sense to me that they would not be running on a day when college classes started back up and a Jazz game was tonight. The person who was tweeting said that they decided to not have buses running because it was a low ridership day. Yeah, I hope they tell that to all the people who were waiting to take the train to the Jazz game. Or to the college kids who have no other way to go to school except the bus or trax. Maybe they can tell that to all the people who work jobs that needed to work today because they don't work for the state or federal government.
Twice now, I've had to worry about not getting to work because the bus that takes me to my building doesn't run on certain days. Like the 24th of July, our state holiday which I do not get off. I have to tell my boss and then she doesn't believe me and thinks I should drive my non-existent car to work instead. Like it's my fault that I can't make it to work. When they have days with limited service, it's really limited. I work at 6 in the morning and on those days the bus doesn't start going until after 7. I'd be how late to work because I'd have to take the bus and then walk how many miles the rest of the way. I don't know anyone at work that even works the same shift I do and I should not have to beg them for rides when I should be able to count on public transportation.
I don't know why this made me so angry. I guess because I ride the bus and who knows what they'll do next. Will I even be able to ride the bus to work or even work the job I currently have if they do cut even more service. I used to ride the bus to the library and now I just walk there because it's pointless to take the bus because I still have to walk how far to get there. I guess walking is good for me, but not in the crappy polluted air I have to breathe. I love how the news people tell about riding public transportation to cut the pollution. How can you ride, when they don't run?
I just remember in the past when I rode the bus and I could always count on it and now I can't anymore. It sucks. It's all about employee satisfaction and not customer service everywhere anymore. The people who ride the bus are customers and UTA could care less what their needs are and why they even ride the bus. Maybe they think people ride for the fun of it and not because they need to.
I'm done now and I hope I have this out of my system.

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