Friday, April 26, 2013

Pet Society Being Shut Down and More

Here's a pic of my little Sammy carrying his aries plushie. He says it's me because I'm an aries. It's been almost two weeks now since EA announced they were closing Pet Society down and I still can't believe it. I never thought in a million years that it would ever happen. Who would ever think that you could lose a pet online? It's bad enough when you lose real pets, but I never thought my little Sammy would ever be taken away from me.
I know a lot of people are really angry at EA right now. I'm mad about what's happening, but they are a huge business and like most businesses, all they care about is making money and the bottom line. They say they care about their loyal customers, but they don't. I've been loyal to Pet Society for almost four years now. It's the one main constant on Facebook for me. I sometimes play my other games, but I have to go on Pet Society every day to see my Sammy and his friends. I've also never put money into an online game before this one and I bought cash in the game on a regular basis. Now, what do I get for that. They say I get something if I play their other crappy games. There's no way I will ever play those games. EA could not pay me enough to play them, let alone me putting one dime into them. I've bought cash in a few other games, but not a lot. Maybe 5 to 20 dollars here and there.  I remember buying the Playfish cash cards from Walgreen's. I've probably put in 1000 dollars total to my Sammy and it was worth it. I do feel bad for anyone who bought a lot of cash right before they announced that the game was closing. And I feel for the players who bought that thing that gave you cash shovels for the dig site and then there were no new dig sites to use them on. And now it's totally worthless. I bought the cash tree last year, so I've gotten a return, but not all of it. I think a lot of players are mad about this in terms of the money. Otherwise, I think some people are sad or mad about losing their pets. I know that all I care about is Sammy. Even if all his stuff is gone, I still want him because he's what I loved.
I'm not playing any of my Facebook games right now and I don't know if I'll ever play them again. What's the point? I'm sure one day they'll be shut down. So, why even bother. I love Pet City and Samson, but one day that game will probably be shut down and I'm not going to have my heart broken again. I'll hardly be going on Facebook if Pet Society goes because I won't be able to bear the thought of never being able to visit my Sammy again. I know that seems stupid to some people, but I don't care. If you've never been on Pet Society, then you don't know how I feel.

I do know that loyalty isn't what it used to be. I remember a time when you got rewarded for your loyalty and now you just get crapped on for it. I remember how loyal I used to be to The CW. I used to watch how many shows on the network and I never turned my TV off that channel. Now, I hardly watch CW. There's not much on it now. After CW dumped two of the best shows they've ever had, Ringer and Emily Owens, M.D. I don't really care to watch any more new shows. They'll just get cancelled. The CW just keeps putting on more and more crappy shows, cancelling them and then putting on more. I remember when CW used to give shows a chance and they got full seasons and even second and third seasons before they were cancelled. Now, most of their new shows don't even get a chance. I'm still watching Vampire Diaries and Supernatural and that's about it. Sometimes I watch Beauty And The Beast, but I'm too afraid to get too into it, because it will just get cancelled. Supernatural is slowing dying for me. I'm getting tired of waiting for it to be more than The Dean Show. It still hasn't happened. Sam still isn't treated like a main star of the show.

And last but not least. Speaking of Supernatural. I'm sure glad that I made that picture with little Sammy and Dean and brought it to the convention and had it signed. I still remember how happy I was when Rob and Matt said they liked it. They're both so sweet. They're the only two who did. Maybe Jared, Jensen, Ty and Mark just didn't know or care how much this picture meant to me. It's okay. I'm just happy it was signed and that Jared and Jensen especially touched it and signed it and I have a part of them because I love them added to Pet Society because I love it so much. I don't know if this came out right. Maybe I just can't put into words how much the pic means to me.

I'm done fighting for anything concerning Supernatural. I don't care what happens on it anymore. Let the Dean, Castiel, Charlie and Benny fans have it. I still love the old episodes when Sam was actually a real character and it was about Sam and Dean and not Dean and everyone else. I'm done caring about The CW because I've discovered better shows on other channels.
I'm still going to fight to the end for my little Sammy and every other pet and player in Pet Society. I've signed the petition, done polls, tweeted and I play every day. I just don't know what else I can do to help. I'm been racking my brains and I just don't know what else to do. I really appreciate all the people who are talking to the EA and doing how much stuff. They don't know how much I love them for what they're doing. I also love Playfish for creating Pet Society in the first place. And I love whoever used to come up with the themes and all the work they put into make Pet Society great. There were so many cute themes and I just loved playing and designing my rooms. I feel bad for everyone right now. I feel bad for all the workers who lost their jobs concerning all this. It's not just about the games that are closing down, people were affected all over the place. I'll keep hoping, praying and doing whatever I can. I'm praying for a miracle, but those are pretty hard to come by these day. I'll pray to God that he whispers in someones ear and makes them realize that we need more good in this world. We need hope, love and peace not anger, hate and fighting. The thing is we have to make the world a better place to live in and not a worse one. Pet Society was a better world because all you found there was love, it's too bad the real world can't be like it.