Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sammy And Lucifer

To start off with, I still miss Pet Society and Little Sammy and all his friends. This is a pic of Sammy and Lucifer before Pet Society closed down.
I looked at some stuff from the San Diego Comic Con and now I know for sure that I will not be watching Supernatural when it comes back on for season 10. I just listened to Jared talk for a minute about what's coming up for Sam and that was it. I love how Jared said they were going to tease morals and ethics with the characters and who is the biggest monster, Sam or Dean. Sam, of course. Who doesn't already know that? Sam will always be wrong and evil and Dean will always be good and righteous no matter what he does. And does it really matter what either Sam and Dean do? There is no God on Supernatural. So, who cares what they do or who they hurt or kill. No one. Dean has never had any morals and it was so funny that in season 6, he was trying to teach soulless Sam morals. I laughed at that.
Supernatural is no longer about two brothers hunting evil and saving people. It's about two brothers doing whatever the hell they want to and saving each other and to hell with everyone else. There is no good or evil. And I would say there was no right and wrong, but there is on the show. Dean is right and Sam is wrong. Castiel also does whatever the hell he wants to and he learned all that from good old righteous Dean.
I now know the reason why I do not love Supernatural anymore. It's Sam and Dean. I don't know who the hell they are anymore and they are not the same two brothers I loved from the start. And no they did not grow up because they were adults when the show first started. They both changed into characters that I no longer love or respect. I wouldn't care if they were good or evil, but neither one of them has been true to themselves and that's what I don't like. Also, the writers of the show are idiots and they don't know what to do with the characters. I wish that Sam and Dean would have changed just a little, but basically stayed the same. I would have loved them. Through most of the seasons of Supernatural, Sam hasn't even been himself and Dean has just been a big hypocrite that I can't stand. When I watch older shows and shows that ran for a very long time, I did not see the characters change very much and that's why I loved the shows. The characters stayed true to who they were and I loved it.  I never seen characters become someone else on their show for more than one episode and they did not become altogether different characters. Gunsmoke was on for 20 years and I never saw the characters change except to get older. Smallville was on for 10 years and I never saw Clark change so drastically that I would never stop loving his character. There were a few episodes when he went dark or whatever, but he never stayed that way for more than one episode. He was a hero until the end, where Sam and Dean started out heroes and have ended up being worse than some villains. Whatever.
And the 200th episode of Supernatural is going to be some musical crap and love letter to the fans. More like a hate letter as far as I'm concerned. Whatever. Supernatural is finally over for me. I hope other fans out there get what they want from it because it no longer has anything for me. I just hope fans don't fall into that crap about Sam and Dean. I know The CW just wants fans to fight all over social media about who is better or right, Sam or Dean. I just hope fans don't join in the hate or anger or whatever because I was done with that long ago.  Supernatural has just made me miserable for the last couple of years when I've let it.
Well, that's it for now.
I can't wait for the Fall when all my other shows come back on. Sleepy Hollow, Vampire Diaries, Once Upon A Time. The Originals. The Voice, The Blacklist and some new shows, Gotham and Constantine.

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