Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Blacklist, Constantine And Other TV Stuff

I'm so happy that The Blacklist is back on again. It was a long wait, but well worth it. I loved that two parter two weeks ago. It was nice to see the show twice that week. I have to keep reminding myself that it is now on Thursday night. It's nice that it's on an hour earlier and right after Vampire Diaries. I can watch my vampire soap opera and then a nice action show right after and then go to bed with visions of Red dancing in my head. I just love when Red talks and tells one of his stories. They are just so mesmerizing and James Spader just delivers them so well. Sometimes I cry while watching and other times, I laugh and cry depending on what he's saying.
Constantine's first season has ended. It was only 13 episodes and that just sucks because I want more. I'm still hoping and praying for season 2, but I'm not going to count on it. I love how NBC kept saying how much they believed in the show, but then never had any promos for it during the week. Or none that I saw. If Constantine does not get renewed, then I doubt I will be trying out any new show NBC comes out with. I'm tired of watching new shows only for them to be cancelled because the ratings are not what was expected. And the stupid networks still using an outdated ratings system when there are so many ways to watch TV today. I personally love to watch my shows live and when they are first aired. It drives me crazy when I miss one of my shows and I later have to watch it on Hulu. The finale of Constantine was excellent and I suspected what was going to happen, but I was still pretty surprised and I loved that. I loved seeing Constantine pissing in the rain. There was just something really funny about that.
Now onto my other shows. I have missed watching The Originals, Gotham and Sleepy Hollow for the last four weeks now. I don't think I'll ever catch up on them. I really don't know about Sleepy Hollow anymore. Sometimes I like it and sometimes it's just weird and nothing like the first season. I really want to see what's going on with all the characters on The Originals and I hope to catch up soon. I really hate Monday nights because so many of my favorite shows are on all at the same time. It sucks.
Now, onto Vampire Diaries and Supernatural. Both of these shows have given into the ships and certain fans and I really hate that. It seems like majority rules for both shows. I guess most fans just want Dean Winchester and that's about all you get when you watch Supernatural. On Vampire Diaries most fans want Damon and Elena together and that's what you're getting, plus the fans who want Stefan and Caroline together. The main reason I loved Vampire Diaries was for the love triangle between Damon, Elena and Stefan. I wanted it to go on to the end of the show and then find out who she would choose. I can at least still enjoy watching Vampire Diaries because I love all the characters and most of the time, I don't care who they are with at any given time. I cried during the last episode when Caroline's mother died. It made me think of my own Mom. I love all the music and how they do certain scenes on Vampire Diaries. One thing I also love is that Vampire Diaries uses all their characters and not just the popular ones. I know a lot of fans that just watch for Damon and Ian, but it's nice that the writers don't just push him front and center and forget about the rest of the cast.
Where Supernatural has really become The Dean Show and his character is front and center and the show is boring as hell. I'm so tired of them researching that stupid mark and looking in books in how many episodes. And I'm tired of Dean staring at his stupid hand and arm. I mostly watch episodes with the sound turned off and listen to music while watching. Then I don't have to hear the stupid things Dean says to other people. He's such a big hypocrite that it's not even funny anymore. The writers are just horrible and they just write whatever. They probably think they are writing the greatest episodes because idiots on Twitter constantly tell them how great their writing is. Then the same idiots go somewhere else and complain how crappy the episodes are and the writing. It's pretty funny and probably the only enjoyment I get out of Supernatural anymore. I love to read what people think about the episodes even when I don't watch or listen to them. I at least get a laugh because Supernatural is just one big joke of a show right now. It's pretty sad for me to say that, but it's true. I really don't care what happens on the show anymore and I hope those Dean fans are getting what they want. Dean is the big hero of the show and has been since day one and now the writers are just making that totally and completely clear. That's why I hate listening to Carry On My Wayward Son because when they play it on the show, it's about Dean and only Dean, not both Sam and Dean. The show has been Dean's journey since season four and it's continued and probably will be until the show ends. I hope Sam turns evil to save Dean because then Sammy turning evil will be all Dean's fault. Then Dean can kill Sam and know he was right all along about his brother being a monster. I love how the writers and Carver try to make it look like the show is about two brothers. It's not, It's about one brother who's the righteous hero and the right hand of God and that's Dean. Whatever. I really can't wait to find out what crap the writers come up with for the end of season 10 and for the whole season 11.
I've been watching some of my older shows on DVD and loving them all over again. They are a comfort to me when my other shows are in repeats or I just need to watch something from the past. I love old shows because they make more sense than some of the shows that are on today.
Well that's it for now.

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