Sunday, July 31, 2016

Supernatural:Mythmaker, Vampire Diaries Ending And More

I just finished reading Mythmaker by Tim Waggoner and I thought it was a great Supernatural book. I think I loved it because it concentrated more on the story than Sam and Dean's emotional crap. Castiel was not in it, even though they did mention him. Sam's trip down memory lane was kind of good, but I can't picture Sam and Dean needing to stay with anyone when they were 17 and 21. They could have stayed by themselves because after all, John did leave them when they were only how old in a motel room all by themselves Also, back in the past they did not know there were other hunters out there. Sure John had friends that helped him, but Sam and Dean only knew how many of them and they didn't know they were hunters. I guess when you write a story you can make stuff up, much like the writers of the show have changed how much of Sam and Dean's history. If you tried to keep it all straight you would go mental. I enjoyed the God story and it was nice because even if I had never watched Supernatural, I would have thought the book great. When I started reading I just forgot about the show all together and just concentrated on the story.
I'm sad that Vampire Diaries is ending, but I haven't been able to watch it in a while now. The CW has moved it to different nights and time slots and other shows have been on during that time. Plus once it moved to Friday it was all over. Sometimes I don't even watch Shark Tank until a later time. I only watched Constantine on Friday because it was must see TV and I couldn't wait to watch the episodes. I'm glad that VD is being smart and is stopping before the show gets really bad or totally off the wall stupid like Supernatural. Supernatural should have ended before it got so unwatchable and stupid. Hopefully, some of the VD characters will show up on The Originals after it ends. I hope Paul Wesley and Ian Somerhalder move on and do whatever will make them happy. I love how Paul is honest about the show and his character. He doesn't lie to fans and tell them what they want to hear. I hope Paul and Ian direct episodes of the last season. I can't wait to see them both at the Salt Lake Comic Con. I hope they are together for a panel because I bet they will be funny and great together.
And on to the last thing I wanted to post. I don't know if I've posted about this before or not. If I have then I'm going to again. I remember back when I was in my twenties and I'd watch Daktari in the mornings. One time after the show ended I was flipping through channels and ended up watching some guy talking about the future of animals on our planet. I remember after listening to him, how I cried for hours hoping and praying that future would not come to pass. Unfortunately, it is. I remember the guy saying by about 2025-2030 all the large animals like elephants, rhinos and whales would be extinct, that they would be like the dinosaurs. And that most animals species would only be found in zoos and none in the wild. The more I read about how many animals are disappearing off the Earth and disappearing from the wild, the more I see it all coming true. Why did no one even try to stop this from happening how many years ago? Are we just so greedy as a species, that we think we need to own the whole planet and nothing else deserves to live here but us. I have zero respect for any rich people of this Earth, especially the billionaires who think they need tons of money. For what. When they die, what good will all that money do them. And the evil people of this world that torture, use and kill animals and children of this world to make more money. Money is the root of all evil and it's funny because I feel the richest when I don't have any. And I feel good in my heart. I sometimes wonder how super rich people feel. Do they need all that money to fill up some empty part of their lives? I don't know. I just know how sad I feel seeing all the needless suffering animals have to go through for man's entertainment and pleasures. As well as poor children that get sold into sexual slavery and other types of slavery so someone can make money or get some sick pleasure from harming children. I'm glad I have never won big money and I hope I never will. I like to gamble and I sometimes dream of winning money so that I can pay some debt and never have to work again, plus donate to my charities. But, on the other hand I pray that I never do win that much money. I don't think it would make me happy. It's a good feeling when I work to make the money I spend. I wish there was no such thing as money in the world and that everyone would help everyone. But that's just a dream because it will never happen. Some people think they need more than others and want to control other people by having a ton of money. Well, I think I'd better end this post now. I just had to write what I was feeling. It's just sad to see what is happening to our world and all the creatures that live on this world with us.

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