Thursday, September 15, 2016

Evil And Why I Think It Will Always Exist In This World

I'm using this pic of my little Sammy and Jess because I remember how I used to feel when I went to Pet Society. It was where love existed.
Now on to this post. Evil will always exist in this world because people will always invite it into their hearts and souls. I don't know why people turn to evil, maybe because it's so much easier than love and being good. I swear I think of all kinds of things to write and when I actually come to write, I forget what I was going to say. I can never properly put down what is in my heart, but I try.
Any way the reason I started this post is because my heart is breaking for those poor dolphins in Taiji Japan. Every year, so called fishermen trap dolphins in a cove and kill thousands of dolphins and steal how many for stupid idiots to swim with or go see at an aquarium or some other crap place where they will be stuffed in a big fish tank. I guess no one told those idiots that dolphins are mammals and not fish. I remember reading how many idiots comments on a site about whales. They think they are just big fish. I guess that proves how many stupid people are out there in the world. Zoos and Aquariums do not teach people anything about animals. Most people only go to them to be entertained by the animals. They just want the animals to do something and how many stupid kids do I see tapping on the glass as well as adults trying to get the animals to move or whatever.
I remember going to the Zoo as a kid and I remember thinking all animals should be in cages and I remember trying to put my cat in a cage. That's all zoos teach children. That animals should be in their right place being locked up in a zoo and not free because they are just taking up too much of this Earth that is meant for human beings. I can't stand that either. How many animals are being killed just because idiots say there are too many and they are taking something away from humans or are causing destruction or some other crap.
I think Evil will always exist in this world because people turn away from suffering and do not want to see what evil is doing. No wonder a certain someone and I will not mention his awful name, was able to kill millions of people. I'm glad I don't watch Supernatural anymore because of course the writers are bringing that name up on the show and having Sam and Dean fight him.It's sad. Anyway, I don't care if all my friends unfriend me on Facebook or someone stops following me on Twitter. I will continue to show what evil is doing in Taiji right now and I will not stop. Even if just one person looks and cares about the dolphins that will be enough. If someone takes the pledge not to go to a dolphin show or to swim with dolphins that will be great.  They don't deserve to have this be happening to them, nor do all the other animals out there that are suffering because evil is greedy and selfish. Maybe if enough people come together and show what is happening there, it will finally stop. And if people would stop being so heartless and cruel and allow love to come into their hearts instead of hate than this world would be a better and more wonderful place. I guess some people don't want that.
It's just a sad day today. I know in my heart that God is watching what is happening and he probably cries right along with the rest of us. He gave men free will and what do they do with it, kill his beautiful creatures. I read some comments and people talking about God and why doesn't he stop what is happening. That's the reason. He gave men free will and if we want it to stop happening then we need to stop it from happening. We need to stop contributing to suffering and hurting others. I want to hate those killers of Taiji, but I pray for them as I pray for the dolphins. I pray that one day they will let love into their hearts and souls and see those dolphins for what they are. They are love and hope. Even if just one of them could see those dolphins, not as fish but intelligent creatures and maybe stop killing and doing what they are doing.
My cats Bela and Blair try to comfort me when I am crying about this. I don't see any human beings doing that. That's animals for you. They are pure love or maybe God works through them to show me that I am not alone and that he is with me and he'll heal my broken heart and he's with the dolphins as well.
That's all for now. I've rambled on long enough.

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