Sunday, October 30, 2016

It's Been A While

It's been a while since I last posted. I've just been busy and I really haven't felt like writing. I thought I'd post some pics from my trip to Portola. I just love going there and I love visiting with my family. I went with my sister to Reno and Portola and it was a great trip. I'm really glad that I got to spend more time with my family. I really miss seeing them. I loved going on this little trail and seeing all this beauty. I just wish I could live in that area because it would be great. I love the trees and it's nice to see green and beautiful blue skies. I remember a time when Utah used to be this beautiful. Now, most of the time, there's so much pollution in the air, it turns everything ugly and dark. There are too many homes and other crap and the mountains just keep getting covered in more and more homes.
I was off work for a while, but now I'm back working and I really don't have a lot of time to come and post. I've been trying to spend less time on my computer as well. I love to look around the Internet and see what's going on, but sometimes it's better not to know what's happening. I can't wait until the elections are over. I've had to unfollow how many people on Twitter because I'm sick of all the crap. Some stuff is funny, but other stuff is not. I'm not even going to vote and I really don't care who gets into any office. Most of them are only out to satisfy their own agendas and could care less about anyone else. I'm really tired of celebrities telling everyone who they are voting for and going on and on about it. They know that how many of their fans will just vote for whoever they want and that's why they go on and on. Some fans have minds of their own and will vote for whoever they want, but I know others will just vote because their favorite star likes that person and thinks everyone should vote for them.
And last but not least. I still keep praying for anyone who hurts and abuses others. They are the ones in need of prayer because I hope God has mercy on them for what they are doing. And I pray that one day they will know what they are doing is wrong and stop. I pray for anyone and all the animals and creatures that get abused each and every day. The ones that are basically living through hell on Earth and may never get out of that hell until they die. It's too bad that people can't try to relieve others suffering, instead of causing it. The human race is capable of so much more, but we keep wallowing in our humanity instead of trying to rise above it and become better than we are. I also pray each day that I will be a better person tomorrow. That I can love and help anyone I see in need and not get angry and feel hate towards anyone. Even those people that are doing horrible and evil things. More hate towards them will not help anyone. You think one day that people would learn that hate is not the answer and that love would make the world a better place. It's hard to love at times, but I will always try to any way.
Well that's all for now.

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