Sunday, January 22, 2017

Dolphins and Taiji

Every year in Taiji Japan countless dolphins are brutally murdered or are ripped apart from their families to spend the rest of their lives being slaves to humans. It breaks my heart to see what is being done to these beautiful creatures of our oceans. And it's sad that how many people still go and see them at stupid dolphin shows to see them doing stupid tricks for dead fish. Most of those people don't realize what these poor dolphins go through for their stupid moment of fun for the day. I think most people don't care. People say they love dolphins and other animals and still they go and see them locked up behind bars like they are criminals. Their only crime being that they can't speak like us and tell us they'd rather be free. I know the feeling of wanting to be up close and seeing them in person feels like, but I never really thought of the cost to them. I did in a way, but I have gone to the zoo and have wanted to cry for them. I've gone to Seaworld twice in how many years, but have not gone for a long time and never again. After reading and seeing what those poor dolphins and whales endure.  How many of them get ripped away from their families, have their babies taken away and get separated because someone sells them just like they own them. No one should be allowed to own any living breathing sentient creature on this planet. In fact, no one really owns anything on this planet. You can pay money for land or whatever, but you will never really own it. It belongs to everyone and it's sad that people think they have to own anything or they want more and more and don't care if someone has nothing. 
I'm writing this post because it's been so heartbreaking to watch that big pod of bottlenose dolphins being ripped apart for the last four days in Taiji and listening to those heartless monsters laughing. Mothers and babies being ripped away from each other and how many of them dying trying to get away from these evil men. I think if I was one of those dolphins, I'd rather those evil scum killed me, then have to be tortured and broken and end up in a small tank or worse for years to come. It's hard to believe this evil has been happening for as long as I've been alive. I will never go to Seaworld again because they helped to start all this crap. Yes, most of their current dolphins have been bred in captivity, but their ancestors came from these drive hunts. I don't know how anyone with a heart and soul could do this to these dolphins and say they love them. 
Another thing that made me mad this past weekend was watching that stupid march all across this country. They called it a woman's march and it was for civil rights for women. What rights don't women have here in America? We have so much that sometimes I just get so mad at people because they just want more and more. I think most of those women didn't even know why they were marching and they just went along with other women. How many of them don't like our current president and that's why they were marching? I just wish people would get together and start marching for the ones that really don't have rights like animals and children. People need to be responsible for themselves and not think everything should just be on one person or that one person is going to change everything that's wrong or that they are going to do all kinds of horrible things. Enough of this crap. I stopped following even more people and lost respect for even more people that I love. I still love them, but I don't respect them anymore. I think a lot of people really need to start respecting themselves and not demand respect from others, but earn it by what they do and not by following along like a sheep with others. That's it for this crap.

Back to the dolphins. I just wish the world would get together and start protesting stuff like this happening. These poor dolphins belong to themselves and the ocean. They should not be stolen and bought and sold like property. How many other animals as well? There is a lot of injustice in the world and I wish people would stand up and fight against it for the ones who can not and that don't have a voice. 
I was going to write about this days ago because it's something I remembered from when I was younger. I remember I used to go around and round in a pool my family used to have and think all I wanted to be was free to swim away. I think I used to think I was a dolphin or some other animal that was stuck inside that tank and was waiting for freedom. I also remember crawling on my knees and pretending I was a big cat like a lion or tiger and I finally got free from somewhere. It's interesting that I did that. Maybe my family had went to the zoo and even when I was a kid, I knew those animals did not want to be there. I remember going to the zoo when I was a kid and all I remember it not the animals, but wanting a wax figure of a lion. I loved those. I just wish one day that all zoos, all circuses and any place that keeps animals in captivity for profit will be shut down. Animals should be free and human beings should have been intelligent enough to realize that we should not have overpopulated ourselves, so that there is no room left for them in the wild. Us humans claim to be so intelligent, but from what I can see, we are pretty stupid and worse than animals. We are destroying our place to live and one day we will destroy ourselves and everything else. 

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