Monday, May 29, 2017

Why I stopped eating Meat and more

I have now stopped eating meat altogether. I can't even put a piece of it into my mouth. I get sick even thinking about it. I guess I just think of all the animals out there that are suffering and dying for all this meat. I listen to people talking and most people don't really care about where their meat comes from or they don't want to know. I didn't think about it for years. I never really ate a lot of meat and I've never really liked eating eggs. The older I've gotten, the less I wanted to drink milk. Now, I'm becoming somewhat of a vegan. When I say that, it just means that I probably will never be a total vegan. I still eat very little dairy, some fish and some animal products in stuff I buy.
I've been reading about how our love of meat is hurting this planet and most people think I've given up meat just for the animals. I've given it up for the planet as well and all the people.
I read articles about what is being done to animals all over this planet and it makes me so sad, but I will not hate the people who do these things. Hate is never the answer. It took me too long to realize that. I pray for these people every night. Some people would never understand this, but the reason I pray for them is because the animals they hurt and kill are totally innocent. I don't think anyone should kill an animal unless it is for the sake of survival. Either kill or be killed.
Sure the bible says that God gave us dominion over all things on this planet, but that doesn't mean we have the right to do whatever to them. When you hurt animals for all kinds of evil reasons, like greed, then you are not following God. Back in the past, maybe people needed to kill animals, for food, clothing and other things, but we have involved past all that. Now, we don't have to eat them, we don't have to wear them or abuse them for our own entertainment and other things.
I really don't know what's right or wrong concerning all this, but I do know what I feel in my heart. Most of the killing, torturing and harming of animals is wrong to me. Especially all the people doing it for pure sheer greed or they love killing something because they think it makes them powerful. How stupid is someone who actually thinks they become powerful by killing?
I love all the reasons big game hunters give for killing. Like they are helping the planet and the animals by killing. They are doing no such thing. They just love killing and have to have some reason to justify their killing. I think anyone who get any kind of joy out of killing is messed up in their head and is lacking something in their life. And all those idiots taking selfies with their kills. Pride comes before fall and how many of them have fallen because of what they've done. Animals and karma have tried to balance things out. I'd say more about this, but I really don't know how to properly convey what I am feeling. I just wish people could see all the beauty and appreciate everything we have been given and maybe think about someone and something else besides themselves. I listen to that song by Lada Gaga called Til It Happens To You and I wish I could make a video of all the animals that are being used, abused, tortured and killed by humans. I guess most people really don't care about something until it does happen to them. Maybe if all the things that happen to these animals happened to them, then maybe they would realize that it is wrong or horrible.

I haven't been posting for a while because I haven't felt like it and I'm been busy. I started watching season 5 of Doctor Who and Matt Smith is good, but I love David Tennant and he will always be my favorite doctor. I swear he can say so much with his eyes and expressions, than with words. That is a great actor. I've laughed and cried watching all the episodes he's in and he has such great chemistry with whoever he is acting with. I still have four more episodes to watch with him as the doctor and I want to slowly watch them over the next couple of weeks. Maybe only watch one of them each week and then watch season five episodes. The show changed a lot after season 4, maybe too much. I don't really care for Amy Pond and I don't really care what happens to her character. I loved Rose, Martha and Donna so much and she just doesn't come close to any of them. Maybe, I'll like her more once I've watched more episodes.
I watched Supernatural to see Ketch die and then I watched no more. I looked to see what people said about the finale and was glad I turned my TV off. I think it's sad that Sam and Dean have no problem with killing human beings now. I used to like the show when they hunted and killed the supernatural to save humans, but now they just kill whoever. Most of the time they kill because some human or monster tries to kill just them and could care less about other people being killed. The show makes zero sense anymore.
I loved Once Upon A Time's season finale and the musical. It was so great and I'm glad it's coming back next year. Sure, it won't be the same, but if it has good stories, I'll be watching. I might have to watch it on Hulu or something because it's being moved to Friday, which sucks. I loved it on Sunday night and now I will have nothing to watch to start out my week. I'm glad Gotham, Blacklist and Designated Survivor were renewed. Who knows if I'll even find any new shows to watch next season? I getting sick of all the stupid shows coming out that are exactly alike. It's like Hollywood can't think of anything good. I also can't stand all the shows that are like real life, I love fantasy. It would be nice to see a show with how life could be, not how life is.

Well that's all for now.

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