Thursday, August 2, 2018

Once Upon A Time Forever

I still love watching Once Upon A Time. I just finished watching season 2 again and I can't believe how much I forgot. It's been a long time since I've watched those episodes and I'm so glad I watched them again. There's nothing good on TV right now and so I'm watching my DVDs and movies on Amazon. I just started season 3 and I have season 4 on DVD. I hope to get the other three seasons soon. I did buy the musical episode on Amazon because I love it so much. Too bad, they didn't think about having them singing in more episodes. If I had to pick a favorite episode, the musical one would be my favorite shortly followed by the episode where you see how Rumple became the Dark One. Regina and Rumple were my two favorites right up to the end of the series. I never stopped loving their characters. I loved all the characters, but they were the best. I just wish that show didn't have to end. The writers always came up with such good and entertaining stories. I didn't care how many new characters came and went because they were all great. I can't believe some people didn't even give season 7 a chance. I loved it. Sure it was a little bit boring in the first episode, but after that I loved it. I wish they would have cast someone else as Cinderella because the lady who played her just did not have good chemistry with the adult Henry. I hated how fans whined about all the original characters and how they were not on. A lot of them guest starred and the new characters were just as good or even better. It was nice to see new stories and new characters as well as the old characters.
Once Upon A Time will go on forever for me because I will keep watching all the seasons over and over and I will think up stories in my head for all the characters.

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