Monday, September 28, 2009

My Life With Little Sammy...chapter 5

My little Sammy is sad because I told him that I have to go back to work. Little Sammy would come home from school to have mac and cheese with me in the afternoon and now he can't. I loved giving him a hug and kiss and having lunch with him. I'm going to start putting little presents in Sammy's lunch box so that he'll know that I love him. I told him he can start to have lunch with Dean and Jess, but Sammy loved having lunch with me.

I knew once Smallville came on that little Sammy would forget about Supernatural for a while. He loves to watch Clark. Dean told me that Lois is one hot chick and that's all he cared about on the show. Little Jess likes Oliver and was so happy when he came on. As for me, I love that new character Zod. He almost makes me forget about Davis Bloome. I still miss Davis and I'll always love Sam Witwer. Sammy asked me why I love the villains and I said that I love all the characters on Smallville. I love old and new ones.

Little Sammy has now joined the baseball team and he convinced Dean to join to. I hope Sammy doesn't want to play any more sports. I don't know if I can keep up with all of them. It's not like they play every day and they don't really play a lot of games. It's mostly just for fun.

I had to put I love Dean stickers on Dean's wall. I told him that I love him almost as much as little Sammy. Dean knows that Sammy is my little baby and he's okay with it. I still need to show Dean that I love him, too. I asked if Jess wanted me to put up stickers on her wall and she told me that I'd better not. She loves her room the way it is and she knows that I love her. She knows that Sammy loves her because he is always sending her a ton of gifts. Sammy just bought Jess two new fancy dresses and shoes. I hope little Jess doesn't take advantage of my little Sammy. I doubt she will, she sends Sammy stuff when she can and she loves him. I'm worried about something she said recently. She said she wanted to take a big bite out of Sammy. I asked her what that meant, but she wouldn't answer me. She does have fangs and I'm hoping she doesn't mean to really take a bite out of Sammy. I won't let her bite Sammy and I told her that I'd better not see any bite marks on Sammy. She just laughed.

I have to go to work and I'm worried about my baby Sammy missing me too much.

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