Saturday, October 3, 2009

New Sam and Dean Theory

Here's my new theory about mainly Sam. I think Sam has Michael's sword inside of him. We know that Sam's powers didn't come from the demon blood that he drank, so where do they come from. Lucifer told Sam that only he could be his vessel, but what about Michael. If Michael and Lucifer are both so strong that they'd burn out their vessels, than how could Dean be a vessel for Michael? Dean does not have any powers of any kind, but Sam does. Michael was supposed to be the one that sent Lucifer to hell and Sam has the power inside him to send demons to hell. I think Lucifer, Azazel, Lilith and Ruby all knew that Sam had Michael's sword in him and he was the only one that could do what he's done so far. I think Castiel knows about Sam, but is keeping it to himself or maybe he doesn't know. I think Zac and the other angels think it's Dean because God wants them to believe it is. Where is Michael and why does Dean have to be taken to him? Are Zac and the other angels holding him hostage or something? Is Michael powerless without his sword?
I think that when Sam came back from the dead after being stabbed by Jake, that's when he had the sword in him. Thinking back to what Azazel told Dean about Sam not being 100% pure Sam, maybe he knew that Sam came back with the sword inside him. I still think Dean's deal is not what brought Sam back to life. It could have been God that brought him back to life.

My theory on why God would want the apocalypse. Maybe God started the apocalypse to show the angels that we did have worth. That maybe we can somehow rise above our humanity and be better than what we are. Maybe God wanted the apocalypse to be a wake up call for humanity. We've just been wallowing in our humanity and not loving and caring about each other. We've been greedy and selfish and maybe God is trying to teach us a lesson. It's funny that we tend to blame God or the Devil for everything that happens on this planet, when in fact, it is humans who decide the fate of everything that happens here. I've heard people blaming God for the weather, people dying and all kinds of other things. It's sad that we can't take a good hard look at ourselves and what we're doing to this beautiful planet God created for us and realize that we are destroying it and no one else.

It's funny that people think that Sam is making the wrong and dark choices when he's mostly worried about saving people. If that is evil, then I guess letting people die is good and sitting around doing nothing to save people is great. I don't get that.
I still think that everything is going to be on Sam's shoulders and that he's the ultimate vessel. Either the vessel for Michael or for Lucifer. I don't think Dean is a vessel at all. It's funny that Dean has always had this overpowering need to protect Sam. Where did that come from? If Sam is evil, then it came from Lucifer. If Sam is good, then did it come from God. I still think Sam is like the guy in the story I read. This person saw people dying all the time and had to learn why that was. This person saved everyone and sacrificed himself to do it.

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