Saturday, October 17, 2009

I Think I Need To Stay In Fantasy Land

I swear I need to just keep myself to myself because it is scary out there in the Supernatural Fandom. I just read some posts on a sight I've never gone to before. I can't believe the crap about Sam. I swear that's what I hated the most about last season. Kripke and Co made is sound like the angels talking to Dean made him angelic and Sam consorting with a demon to be demonic. I swear I do not understand this. I can't believe people out there. Most people forget that Dean went to hell, he didn't take a trip to Heaven to talk to God or something. He was down in hell, first suffering for 30 years and then torturing for the last 10. Dean said that he loved torturing souls in hell and it helped him forget the pain he felt for the first 30 years. He said all the pain washed away, when he was torturing. I hate to bring this up on a message board because people freak out of their minds and think you have something against Dean. It's like they don't want to accept the truth about Dean or something. They want to think Dean is this great guy that can do no wrong and that he knows everything and he's on the side of God. Dean turned away from God by making that deal for Sam's life. I wish the show would address this. It's not like God was happy that Dean didn't believe in him and then went to get Dean out of hell because he didn't deserve to be there. Everyone thinks Dean should be suffering and thinking about being tortured. When Dean remembers hell, he probably wants to forget that he enjoyed torturing souls down there, not that he was tortured.

As for Sam. I think people still just want to think he's evil because now he is supposedly Lucifer's vessel. I can't believe people think that Sam doesn't care or love Dean. I think Sam cares about Dean more than Dean cares about Sam. If Sam didn't care about Dean, then why did he keep saving his life all the time. Sam could have just let Dean die at any given time. If Sam wanted to get away from Dean, he could have left Dean and went with Ruby whenever he wanted. People think Sam would ever use his powers on Dean. Dean wasn't a demon and that's all Sam has ever used his powers on. People want to think Sam was doing evil and that's all. Sam wanted Dean to see him for the man he is, not the little boy that Dean had to protect. That maybe Sam could be right about something and that Dean wasn't always right about everything. Dean didn't think Sam could kill Lilith and he did. I think Dean was shocked by that and scared. Now Dean sees the remorse Sam has for what he did and Sam didn't even have all of the facts. It's like Sam is trying to take the blame for everything and Dean is letting him.

What happened to the Dean in the hospital bed that was so guilty over breaking that first seal and starting everything? Now it seems he's letting Sam take all the responsibility for starting the apocalypse and you don't see any guilt on his part at all. Maybe he does feel guilty deep down because he almost can't stand when Sam keeps going on and saying he's sorry. Sam said that he was sorry how many times for what he unknowingly did and he said that no one will make him feel worse than he does himself.

I think too much about this crap and it drives me crazy. I need to go back to spending time with Little Sammy, Dean and Jess. At least there I can be free to love everything and everyone on Supernatural without any worries or cares.

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