Friday, October 23, 2009

Justin Hartley As Oliver Queen

I just love Justin Hartley. I love him even more after watching him on Smallville tonight. He brings Oliver Queen and the Green Arrow to life. I can't believe what a great episode that was and it was all about Oliver. Chloe made Oliver face his demons and become the hero he was and has always been. I knew something funny was going on, but I didn't know what. I just loved it. I love Chloe and Allison Mack right now, too. I don't show enough love for all the great actors and actresses on my other shows. Tonight Justin just blew me away with his acting. Smallville just has such a big range of talent and it's so great to see it each and every week. It's nice when the other actors and actresses can carry some of the load for the show and give Tom Welling a break every now and then.

It's sad that Supernatural can't deal with Sam's storyline like Oliver's. Oliver only had Lex Luthor killed and felt guilty over it. Sam started the apocalypse, so you'd think Sam would feel worse than Oliver. It's too bad that Jared doesn't get great scrips and lines like Justin's were tonight on Smallville. Maybe the writers of Supernatural just don't have the time or think people wouldn't want to see all that emotion. I sure would. I loved Chloe's line. "Even though your face was in the gutter, there was still the hero in your heart". It went something like that. I loved it.

Tonight's episode is one of the reason's that I love Smallville and have loved it for the last eight years. It just keeps delivering great stories and entertainment.

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