Sunday, November 8, 2009

Legend Of The Seeker And Other Thoughts

Legend Of The Seeker is really going to be interesting this season. I'm wondering how things are going to turn out. I've never read the second book of the Seeker series. I have it, but I haven't started reading it. The books and the show are very different from each other and you have to think of them separately. I loved how Zedd told Richard that the greatest harm comes from the best intentions. Sam Winchester could relate to that because he started the Apocalypse and Richard started something. The underworld will get stronger and take over the living. It's going to be great on Seeker. I'm really interested in what's going to happen with Kahlan and Richard because I read that nothing is going to go smoothly, but that's drama for you.

I've been thinking more about Supernatural and what's in store for Sam and Dean. I still don't think Dean is Michael or his vessel, but I'm still wondering if Sam isn't. Where is Michael? Are the other arch angels holding him captive and they think Dean is his vessel? Dean made the deal to do whatever the angels or God commanded him. Maybe Michael told the other arch angels that Dean is his vessel, when really he's not. When Zacariah said that they'd take Dean to Michael, why wouldn't Michael just come to Dean if he could?

I still think that there is something with Sam and I'm going to wait and see if one of my crazy theories is right. I'm hoping that Sam is not Michael or an angel or even a vessel for an angel. I'm hoping Sam and Dean are not vessels or anything but human beings. Maybe God is using Sam and Dean to help show his warring angels that human beings have worth.

I love how I go on message boards and people think Sam should have listened to Dean, Bobby, Castiel and whoever. Sam is a grown man with a mind of his own. He has the right to make all his own choices for either right or wrong. Dean and Bobby are not right all the time and they don't know everything and we've seen this time and time again. I love how Sam has stayed true to himself and what he believes. I think right now that Sam is scared because he thinks he made the wrong decisions, but he never had all the facts and was being manipulated just like Dean was. I don't think Dean is Sam's leader or the angel armies leader.

It's funny that Dean went to hell and when he came back he was scared and he couldn't make decisions and didn't know what was going on. Sam acted stronger and went after Lilith and was sure that he was making the right decisions. Now Sam is unsure of everything and himself because he broke the last seal and Dean is the one that is so sure of himself. It's interesting.

Another thought about the angels. I thought angels were not supposed to have emotions, but yet they say they love God and each other. Isn't love an emotion? Some of them are mad at each other or angry. Isn't that an emotion? What's the deal with all of that. That's what the difference is between humans and angels, is that we can feel emotions and have free will, when they don't or they're not supposed to.

I keep trying to stop thinking about all this crap, but I can't stop. I started reading my books and that just makes me think more about stuff. I've got to find more ways to distract myself from thinking certain things.
I love to post my theories because then I can laugh later about all the crazy stuff that I thought up.

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