Friday, November 12, 2010

Smallville And Supernatural episode 8

I loved both Smallville and Supernatural's episodes. They were both great and I just love watching them together. You watch stuff on Smallville and then think about it while watching Supernatural.
I loved seeing Tess and finding out she's a Luthor. I kind of had it figured out by the middle of the show. It was nice that Clark got to see his parents again. His real parents and that Lois watched the tape of her Mom. Parents are one thing Sam and Dean never really had on Supernatural. They lost their mother when they were little and Sam never even got to know her at all. I love that about Sam's character too. That he loves his mother and always has, even though he never got to know her.
The shallow side of me, loved seeing Tom Welling with his shirt off. Man, does he have one hot body.

Supernatural made me laugh from the start to almost the end. It was one of my favorite so far this season. Sure, Sam doesn't have his soul, but Jared is so great that it doesn't really matter. I'm hoping that Sam gets his soul back soon, but are we going to see all his emotions and feelings hit him at once, when it's restored. That will be a whole hell of a lot for Sam to handle. I hope we get to see it and they don't try to pull something like making Sam forget things or something like that.
I loved that german shepherd dog in the episode because it did a great job of acting. When the dog was staring at that woman and when it was watching TV. You knew it was the guy, but it was funny to watch. I liked the whole storyline and plot of this episode and I hope there are more like it on the way. Next week's looks like it's going to be really funny and good. I can't wait for it.

I've been reading some posts on the CW message board again. The interesting ones, not the stupidity. I'm so tired of the dumb posters who think they have to defend fictional characters. Sure, you can defend them a little, but when you start bashing on other posters and acting like a complete nutcase, then you have a problem with telling the difference between reality and fantasy. I'd love to bash Sam and Dean all over that message board because I love them so much. It's just too damn funny to me. I'm not going to respond to idiots anymore and I'm just going to ignore them and post whatever I want to. I love to read what people are thinking about and all their thoughts, theories and ideas about the show. I love the variety and how people see the show and the characters, but I won't deal with idiots who think I have to think the same way they do about everything. It's just plain scary sometimes. You never know who some of those people are or where they're really at. I sometimes wonder about a certain someone on that board and if they're not on drugs or just crazy in the head or something.

I can be a royal bitch when I want to be and I can freely admit that. I have crazy thoughts and ideas, but I don't try to force other people to accept them. People can read what I write and hopefully they have their own brains to think about things with and have their own thoughts about everything. My thoughts are my own and I love to express them. Sure, I can be sarcastic at times, but some people just make me angry. I can be serious or funny at times too. I'm going to be me and I personally like myself, so I don't really care if anyone else likes me or not. I like most of the posters on the CW message board. There are just a few that should get a life and do something else besides obsessing over Supernatural and Dean or whether someone is bashing his character or whatnot. Dean can never be hurt by anything anyone says because he is fictional and it just kills me, when idiots can't realize it. You can love fictional characters because I do, but when you think of them as real and defend them like they're real,then I think you have a problem.

Okay, I'm done for now. I can't wait for next Friday. It was fun this Friday because my niece is in town for a visit and it's nice spending time with her.

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