Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas And Supernatural

I just watched A Very Supernatural Christmas for like the fifth time so far in the last couple of days. I was trying to cheer myself up. I wish that I could jump into the TV set and into those God's home. I would not care if they ate me as long as I got to sit on their plastic couch and enjoyed all the decorations and their beautiful tree. Maybe Madge could make me some cookies first and we could all watch some cute Christmas show together and then they could eat me. I'm sure they'd love me because I've got a lot of fat on my bones.
Right now, I really don't give a rat's ass what is going to happen with Sam and Dean. I just mostly think of Supernatural as a comedy now because it's gotten so crazy and goofy. I'm getting tired of waiting for answers to things that will probably never come. Of course, they are mostly about Sam. I'm surprised when I go looking around and reading some stuff and no one is mentioning how in hell Sam could have his soul in one place and his body walking around without it. That is so unnatural because if your soul is not in your body, you're either unconscious or dead. If your soul is gone from your body for too long, then your body dies, it doesn't go walking around for over a year with nothing to animate it. I just would finally like to know what Sam really is and how that was even possible. I'm not even going to hope they explain anything anymore. I'm also not even hoping for more Sam insight or POV or anything concerning Sam because I'll just end up disappointed. I'll be very surprised if the writer's even concentrate a little on Sam's character because I bet it will all be about Dean and how he feels about Sam now. I'm getting tired of Dean's shitty attitude towards Sam. Dean does not love Sam unconditionally and what he did proved that. Dean only accepts Sam when Sam is doing what Dean wants or expects him to do. Otherwise Sam is wrong or evil or horrible to Dean. It's getting very ridiculous at this point. I'm tired of Sam always accepting Dean for who and what he is and for everything he does. While Dean on the other hand, can only accept Sam when he acts like he's supposed to.
I love how Dean fans will constantly come up with anything and everything to excuse the crap that Dean does to Sam. I love how fans have forgotten that Dean beat the crap out of Sam and was still beating on him when he was unconscious. Either Dean really hates Sam or he hates himself because I can't explain why Dean would beat on Sam that badly. Sam didn't even try to fight back and he was supposed to be the dangerous one that didn't have a soul or a moral compass. Yeah, right.

I'm trying to read more books right now and I've started to read the Supernatural books again and they don't even make me care about anything. I guess I'm just depressed because of all the crap that's been happening lately and this is probably going to be one crappy Christmas. I wish I could go to Las Vegas for Christmas.
I was going to write some Christmas spoofs of Supernatural and I even started one, but who cares about it? I lost all interest after I saw poor Sam's soul forced back into him. I'm not even excited for the show to come back on in January, not like I was last year. I knew that Sam, Interrupted was going to be a great episode and it was one of my favorite episodes ever. Even the title of the episode that's coming up is stupid, Like A Virgin. Obviously someone loves Madonna. Whatever. I just hope that my love for Supernatural will come back full force. I love Jared and Jensen and I'll always love the show, but right now I really hate Dean's character and I don't know how to stop hating him. I used to love him, right up until season four and then he turned into a real dick and he was an asshole to Sam. I've tried to understand all the crap and the shitty things he's said to Sam, but I just don't get it. I still think Dean is afraid to face himself and what he did in Hell and takes it all out on Sam. Dean's soul was the one that tortured souls in Hell and got pleasure from it. So, what kind of soul does Dean have right now. It sure could not be good. I'm sick of Dean telling Sam that he's arrogant and self-righteous and Dean is the King Of Arrogance right now and he thinks he's always right about everything.

Then, there is still a ton of stuff that is never going to be explained and that makes zero sense. I'm tired of all the mystery already on Supernatural and trying to figure out who's bad or good anymore. There should be Sam and Dean and they both should be good and be heroes and then there should be the bad guys that they fight and kill. That's the way the show started and should have stayed. Now it's too convoluted and crazy and who knows who's evil or good now.

I can't wait to go to the L.A. Con because I loved going to the one last year and this year I have photo ops with Jared and Jensen and Gold tickets, so it should be more fun than last year.

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