Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cheshire Cat Sammy In Wonderland

I was a stupid gambling fool again. This time I went to an Indian Casino that's about two hours away from where I live to gamble with my sisters and brother. I've never been there before. I did have fun, but I lost a lot of money. I've never played The Lord Of The Rings or Star Trek slots. They were really fun to play, but I wish I could have won some money on one of them instead of just losing.

I've been very lazy lately and I haven't really had the time to write on my blog. I love playing with Sammy and all my other demons and then I don't have time to do much else. I was going to write some stuff in my Hell House on the CW site, but I doubt I'll have the time. No one cares if I write on there anyway, so I don't care. I've been reading and looking at upcoming spoilers for Supernatural and the last episodes look very good. I can't wait for them. I just hope that I don't have to hear Sam saying he's sorry to anyone else. I'm getting tired of Sam always having to apologize for everything he does. Like everything he does, is wrong or bad and horrible. Dean does plenty of crap and I never hear him apologizing for it. I guess that's the difference between them. Sam cares what others think and Dean doesn't. Even when Sam didn't have a soul, he could not be like Dean with one. One thing I'm really hoping for is not to see Lisa and Ben again, but I'm afraid that we haven't seen the last of them. Maybe we have and I'm hoping against hope that we don't see them and that crap is over with already.

Hopefully, I'll still be working after next week. I'm sure I will be, but you never know. I hope we get another temporary budget until we get a permanent one for the rest of the year. I just don't know how and why that stuff happens. I didn't even know we didn't have a budget until a couple of weeks ago. I don't want to be off work and then have to come back and work twice as hard to get all the work out and then not get my days off that I've scheduled. We'd probably have to work overtime too. That does not make sense and it's a waste of time and money. I'll have to hope and pray for the best.

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