Saturday, March 19, 2011

Supernatural Non-Spoilers

I love all the non-spoilers out there right now for Supernatural. I can't believe that anyone even takes all of them seriously. Some of them might be true and others are put out there just to mislead you. I love reading some of them and the comments that people make about them. It's funny. Spoilers are meant to be misleading and that's why they put them out there. To mislead you into thinking certain things about what is going to happen. I remember all the so-called spoilers I read at the beginning of season 6 and how most of them were just crap. And I doubt Jared, Jensen, Misha or Jim give anything away that's important. They are probably told to say certain things just to appease fans. I love Kripke's crap too. He never tells the truth about things. I personally can't wait to see what's going to happen in the last six episodes and I don't care what the stupid spoilers are about. Nothing is as it seems and it hasn't been from the start of season 6. It's funny that for how long, there wasn't hardly any spoilers and now there are a ton of them. I think most of them are just to get people talking about the show and that's it. They're not meant to reveal anything important. I read them and laugh because I know most of them are not true.

I've been watching Celebrity Apprentice lately because it's so damn funny. I don't watch the regular Apprentice because I could care less about regular people. I love watching those celebrities make fools out of themselves for charity. I found out that Katie Cassidy is David Cassidy's daughter. I never knew that. I don't know why I didn't even think about it. That means Shaun Cassidy is her uncle. Shaun Cassidy was the first star that I ever had a crush on. I was about six years old. I still love him and I still love listening to his music. I always loved Shaun more than David. I never really cared that much about The Partridge Family. It's funny that David was the first celebrity to go. I laughed so hard. I knew he'd be fired for being a wimp and Richard Hatch would stay on. That women's team is crazy and their name is stupid. I like Backbone for the guys team.
I've also been watching The Biggest Loser or The Biggest Fatso, as I like to call it. I think this show should be banned from TV though. All I do is eat while I'm watching those poor people work out and sweat over how much weight they lost. I never worry about how much I weigh. I could care less. I'm fat and I know it and I don't care. I'm not going to stop eating what I want to. I execise every day because I have to walk to my bus stop and I walk around my building at work. I probably get in about a mile or two a day of walking. Plus, I put a lot of energy into my work and I'm sure I'm burning plenty of calories. Speaking of work. It's nice that I'll be working for how much longer. Hopefully, that budget will get worked out, but you never know.
I can't wait until all my shows come back on in April. I miss watching them. I've watched a couple of the repeats, especially the one I missed of One Tree Hill. I always watch Supernatural's new and repeat episodes when I can. I've been trying to read more lately and spend less time on the internet. I hardly go on message boards and I haven't gone on Twitter forever. My new cat Bela and I are getting to know each other better and she's a wonderful cat so far. I love her, but I still miss Mully. I found some old pictures of her when she was a kitten and started to cry. I still remember all those times. I remember my Kiefer too. I found a whole photo album I made for him. I guess I'm a crazy cat lady because I have tons of pictures of all my cats. I love them because most of the time, they are better company than human beings. They love you for who you are and not for who they want you to be. They love you unconditionally and are always there for you when they can be. My Mully was always there when I needed her. She always knew when I needed to hold her and when I cried she wouldn't mind all my tears falling on her. She just loved me. No person on this planet has ever been there for me like that. That's why I loved Mully so much and I still miss her.
Well that's all for now. This was a long post, but I haven't been writing a lot lately anywhere. I try not to post too much on Facebook because I seem to always say something to offend someone. What else is new? People are so easily offended now a days from the simplest things. It's scary.

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