Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Supernatural Sniveling

I decided to come here and snivel about the show. I guess I wasn't done in my last post. I'm just so sad and totally disappointed with where the show is going to be going in season 8. I've never been so non excited for a season to start until now. Nothing I've seen so far has got me even close to excited for season 8 and instead I have just gotten angry and upset reading the crap I read.

First off. Carver says that season 8 is going to be some Indiana Jones theme crap with a quest. Jeez, I wonder who Indiana Jones is on the show. It sure in hell is not Sam, so it's probably good old hero Dean.
Next, Sam is getting a love interest and supposedly he's not with her when he gets reunited with Dean. And his love story is going to be told in flash backs and she may appear later in the season. Now, you find out that Sam will be going to see her right away and that he'll be trying to maintain his relationship with her. I'm sure Sam is still with her at the beginning of the season and enjoying his wonderful life without Dean.

Next, Sam and Dean will have a more mature relationship with each other now that they've been separated for like the 100th time. And they will have the tools to live without each other. How stupid is that? Sam has always been able to live without Dean. Sam left for college on his own and didn't even see Dean for years. In the last how many seasons, Sam has walked away from Dean and been fine on his own. The only time he wasn't, was when Dean went to Hell and Sam knew he was suffering there because of him and the deal Dean made to bring him back to life. Otherwise, Sam has been fine on his own. Dean on the other hand has not been. It's like he constantly needs someone to cling to. First there was daddy, then Sam, Castiel, Bobby, Lisa and Ben and now his new buddy Benny. Dean has always been needy and has needed someone around to give him self worth because he has none.

Next the mythology or whatever the crap it is. I swear that I'm getting sick of it already. Carver wants to get rid of the crushing mythology of the first seven seasons. What that probably means is, let's just forget about what happened for those seasons and start all over again with something new. Let's reboot the show. Sam with be with the love of his life and Dean will be with his new buddy Benny. Then they'll get together over some bullshit and lah dah dah.

Supernatural is all about Sam and Dean. Sure it is. It's been The Dean Show since season four and has never stopped being all about Dean. Now Dean is going to have a totally separate story that doesn't involve Sam at all. Shocker, not. So how precisely is the show about Sam and Dean. Sure, Sam will have his new love Amelia for who knows how long. I'm sure there are how many fans that want her to stick around so that Sam will safely be out of Dean's way and his story. I care nothing for Sam's love interest or Sam having a love story. That's probably the stupidest thing the show is doing again. I couldn't stand Lisa and Ben, but I tolerated them and the stupid crap. I don't think Dean ever wanted a normal life ever. Sam on the other hand wanted a normal life, but then he's been saying he doesn't want one for how many years now and I guess he's been lying to Dean and himself all that time.

Now on to the crazy and nutty fans who think Sam should have kept looking for Dean. Where was Sam supposed to start looking for Dean when he didn't know where Dean went? Crowley didn't tell Sam that Dean went to Purgatory and seeing how Sam is no longer psychic, then he didn't have a clue what happened to Dean. So how the hell would he look for Dean, if he had no starting point. Obviously, Sam is totally normal because he just decides Dean is dead or gone and just settles down into some normal life with his new love and forgets all about his life up to that point. I guess he probably forgets about his whole family being dead or gone wherever. His good old uncle Bobby being dead. He forgets about being soulless and going to hell and everything else that's happened in his life up to that. I guess he just decides that life is to short not to live and find love. Even though his new love could be killed anytime just like his last real love Jess. Now Amelia is going to be his one true love. I'm sure she'll be able to survive all the supernatural crap.
And now for all the crazy fans that think Sam had to be the one to get Dean out of Purgatory. Who knows how him and Benny get out and what comes out with them? I don't think they only get out together and nothing else escapes with them? I sure in hell don't want Sam to be blamed for saving Dean and releasing more monsters at the same time. Sam is always damned if he does and damned if he doesn't, so I guess that doesn't matter. He'll be a selfish asshole for not looking for Dean and saving him.

Now onto something I think was totally dropped throughout the last couple of seasons on the show. First off in the second season, Gordon tried to kill Sam because he thought he was dangerous. Then, Sam being possessed by Meg killed that one hunter guy and other hunters were looking for whoever killed him. I guess they never found out that it was Sam. Then in season 4, Dean tells Sam that if he wasn't his brother, he'd want to hunt him and so would other hunters. I'm surprised no other hunters ever found out that Sam could send demons back to hell or kill them. I'm sure hunters would be lining up to hunt Sam if they found out that he could kill demons. Why would they want Sam to kill demons? They'd be mad at Sam for killing the demons and not giving them a chance, I guess. So, he would have to die for that. Season 5 comes along and Walt and Roy. I love how they told Sam that other hunters were looking for him. I guess they never found Sam either. Maybe Castiel burned some extra sigils into Sam's ribs to make him invisible to other hunters because none found him. There were those three at the beginning of season 5, but they wanted him to drink demon blood and kill demons for them. I'm sure after Sam did that, they would have killed him if they could have. I guess all the other hunters on the show are either dead or they've just forgotten all about Sam and what he's done and they are no longer after him. I'm sure Bobby spread the word to the whole hunter community that Sam was okay, even thought Sam was talking to Lucifer for almost a year.

I'm just so sad right now. I don't even want to watch old episodes. I was excited about buying season 7 on DVD, then I read some more crap and now I don't know if I'll even buy it or not. I'm sure I will, just for the episodes I loved. I think this might be the year when I stop watching the show. I just get more angry and upset about it. When that happens, it's time to let it go. It will be hard, but I'm sure I'll be able to, unless something really surprising happens and I actually end up liking season 8. I've let go of a lot of shows I've loved. First I stop watching them because what's happening on them is depressing me and after a while I just don't watch them anymore. I still remember that I almost stopped watching the show during season 4. I hope season 8 doesn't come close to anything that happened like that season or I'm afraid it will be over.
I saw the gag reel from season 7 and I felt absolutely nothing. I didn't even smile seeing Jared laughing and smiling and usually I do. I hope I can get out of this Supernatural funk and try to give season 8 some kind of chance before I really give up on the show altogether.

I think I'm done sniveling for now and I hope I've gotten this all out of my system. This is the only place I can think to post all this crap I'm feeling right now.