Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Supernatural: First Born Or Dean Winchester The Killer

I really think Robbie Thompson is the worst writer for Supernatural ever. Why? First off in this wonderful episode, Castiel is supposedly healing Sam slowly and just happens to find some grace left over from Gadreel. Last season when Sam was doing the trials, Castiel told Dean that Sam was damaged in ways he couldn't even heal. Now, all of a sudden with some borrowed grace he can heal Sam. And after Castiel sucks how much grace out of Sam and he's all bloody and whatever, Castiel heals him up like nothing. You gotta love the insta-fix. But, that's how it always is with Sam's character. Sam can not have any kind of powers or anything else. All his psychic stuff was gone long ago and everything else that made me love him. I thought for a minute that maybe the grace that was in Sam that Castiel was going to extract, was indeed really Sam's. Apparently not. I guess Sam will carry the little bit of Gadreel grace left in him until it disappears. Don't know why Castiel needs Gadreel's grace to find him when he found Anna in the past.
Stupid, but that's what the writers are now. They don't even pay attention to what has been written before. Or maybe they are and Castiel is now just a big fat liar. And I love how the writers constantly bring up the fact that only Sam and Castiel have made wrong choices that they feel guilty about. Like it was their choices and their choices only that affected the world or killed people. Like they are always wrong by trying to help people, but darling Dean is always right because he's so righteous no matter what decisions he makes.
Instead of having Sam and Castiel doing that crap with the grace, Robbie should just have let there be one short little scene at the beginning with Castiel healing Sam and Sam sleeping or something. It could have been about one or two minutes. At least, Jared could have had more time off. Hopefully, the writers will give Jared plenty of time off, now that he has a new baby added to the family. Instead of wasting his time, they should give him time off because they really don't care about Sam as a character at all. They just fill some extra space in the show when they need it or Sam needs to be around for poor Dean so that he doesn't feel even more bad about himself. And the writers think they are giving Sam fans what they want. They are not. I'd rather not have Sam in an episode if they are not going to have him doing anything that pertains to the overall episode theme.  There's was only one thing I liked in this episode and that was that Dean is a killer. He doesn't care who he kills and he never has. He's killed demons and angels that have been possessing humans, but he could care less about the humans being possessed unless they happen to be someone he cares about. Also, I've always known Dean hates himself because he always acts like a dick to Sam and everyone else.
The last episode gave me a small spark of hope and this episode totally extinguished it. Whatever. I have other better shows to watch and more to look forward to this year.