Monday, July 27, 2009

Crossroad's Blues

I haven't watched this episode in a long time and I had forgotten a lot of things. That scene where Sam and Dean were talking about John maybe making a deal and just there faces. I loved it, you could see all the anguish in both of their faces. They both probably wanted to say more to each other at that point, but they couldn't. Dean had to go and trick the Crossroads Demon to save that guy. Then at the end when Sam asked Dean if he was just tricking the demon or was actually thinking about taking the deal. Dean didn't look at Sam and turned the music up. Just the looks on both their faces.

I wonder if somewhere old Azazel and the angels who wanted the apocalypse, were watching Sam and Dean and seeing what they would do and testing them. Maybe they realized at that point that Dean would be willing to make a deal, just like John did for his family or more importantly for Sam.

I now think that that whole thing with Sam and the psychic kids was just a bunch of crap. I don't think old Azazel wanted a demon leader for an army. Maybe he had that whole thing set up, so that Jake would stab Sam. Azazel knew that Sam would do the right thing and not kill Jake because that was Sam. Azazel wanted Dean to sell his soul and he wanted Dean as fast as he could get him. Dean only got a year, but maybe Azazel could deal with that, but you wonder what happened with that Crossroad demon. Was she in trouble after she gave Dean a year?

Also how do the crossroad demons, get in and out of hell. It seems that they've got a direct line there. Also, is the crossroads some kind of link between heaven and hell. On the crossroads, you choose whether to make a deal and go to hell, or not make one and maybe go to Heaven or where ever we go. Are the Reapers involved in it or do they have no choice in the matter. If some one's soul went on to heaven or limbo or whatever, do the demons get their souls back or do angels.

I think I think to much about his stuff. No wonder I haven't watched the episode for a while. On a funny note about the episode, it was funny hearing Dean not knowing what MySpace is. He thought it was a porn sight.

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