Monday, July 27, 2009

Too Much

I think Kripke and Co are saying all kinds of stuff and who really knows what will happen now. I've heard so many different things, that it's starting to get ridiculous. I'm actually tired of reading about interviews and spoilers because who really knows what's going to happen. Kripke has told how many different things now. Sera Gamble and Ben Edlund have told different things. The interview with Jensen said totally different things. So what's going to happen, only they know, until the show comes back on and I'm going to wait before I start jumping to conclusions and thinking up stuff.

I'll have to start another blog about my theories and keep that private, just in case someone has been actually reading this blog, but me. When I had Hell House on the CW site, I knew people were reading it and then going and saying shit about my theories or trying to say they were their own. It still pisses me off, that those stupid mods over there deleted my thread. It had some of my best theories. I can still remember some and I still think some of them are going to happen.

I guess I won't be posting that much on the CW site because of a certain bitch on there. She acts like she's in Junior High School or something. She thinks she's queen bitch of the Supernatural site. I did find a few people to discuss things with, but try to find them when you really want to talk. They're probably afraid to say what they feel because someone will attack them for it. Some of those Dean fans over there give all Supernatural fans a bad name. Now I can see why a lot of people don't stay on there to post, especially ones who love Sam. It's totally biased. Also, some of those people are so stupid and close-minded that it's sickening. They just believe everything Kripke says or everything they read. I wonder if they even have brains to think with. It's scary.

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