Thursday, July 9, 2009

Who's A Monster?

I've just been thinking about this. What is a monster or what makes a monster? When I watched "When The Levee Breaks" and the previews said, who's the monster? I wondered and thought about that. If compassion is divine, than who was the monster, Sam or Dean. Did Dean even show any compassion towards Sam at all and does he ever show any compassion for any of the creatures that he hunts. The creatures and monsters that Sam and Dean kill have killed people, but what about the people who kill people. Aren't human beings monsters when they kill other humans. Actually I think humans are worse. Some creatures just have an instinct to kill, but humans always have a choice. It's all about how we choose, to do what's right and what's wrong. Sam it seems to me has more compassion about people and the creatures that the boys hunt and he always has. Maybe that's why Sam wanted to live a normal life because he couldn't stand the killing and he was afraid of seeing his father and brother kill. Maybe Sam didn't want to turn into a killer, that just killed and didn't care anymore about what they were killing. Who's to say that the creatures that Sam and Dean hunt, should die any more than the humans who do monstrous things and kill people have the right to live. Who has the moral high ground here? It's funny that Dean tells Sam what he should do and tells him what's right and wrong. What makes Dean think he knows what God wants, when he doesn't? Even God's angels don't know what God wants.
I wonder if all the hunters on Supernatural are just as much monsters as the monsters they hunt and kill. When you stop caring and loving and have no compassion,or you have no forgiveness, then what are you?

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